You are Sari Sumdac, a techno organic girl living with the Transformer girls and one of the house leaders, the others being Arcee, the most famous Cybertronian girl; Slipstream, Arcee's Decepticon counterpart (and lover); and Red Alert, who runs the repair bay.
For someone your size, life here is pretty hectic. Being in constant danger of being squashed underfoot or ending up as someone's butt sticker are just a couple of things that could happen if you don't pay attention. Of course, being in charge of organizing their transportation service means the bigger girls try to avoid squishing you if they can. Though, some are more mean-spirited than others, like your evil counterpart, who has been given the oh-so inspired name of "Evil Sari". She's the one that gives you the most trouble, especially if you're in your child form. Your allspark key allows you to switch between your forms once a day (child, teenager, adult, and full robot).
Right now, you're just getting back from making the schedule for everyone's route, and you'd really like to change out of your child form before Evil Sari decides to prank you. "Darn it, where is that thing?", you ask as you rummage around your belongings in search of your key. Despite an hour of searching, it doesn't appear that your key is in here. "Oh geez, I hope SHE didn't take it", you groaned. You didn't want to think of what Evil Sari would make you do to get it back if she did have it.
"Alright, where did I have it last. I was helping out in the body shop, then I went to watch TV, then I set up the schedule... ugh! Where is it?!", you cried as you walked into the hallway, trying to think of where you might have misplaced your key.
Where do you look first?