Litchi looked around, re-adjusting her glasses as she smiled. Out from the storage room stepped Kagura, clothed in a spare uniform; a one-piece Chinese dress and black slip-on shoes. The waitress sighed as she looked up, a frightened squeal her reaction to the mountainous Litchi standing before her. The doctor chuckled lowly as she grabbed the svelt young lady, stuffing her in her navel.
"Wh-what are you--?! Mmpphhh!" Kagura tried to protest, but she was stuffed inside before she coulf finish, feeling a mix of food, grease and cum forcing its way down her throat as Litchi took slow, waddling steps somewhere private. As her belly shook from each movement, Kagura felt her belly fill more and more, filling out with food and seed.
As night fell, the 50,000 form of Litchi squeezed through into a remote lot, out behind the Love Hotels. Smiling, the oriental doctor slapped her massive belly, giggling as she watched it quiver and wobble, grease, food and cum falling out of her folds alongside Kagura herself.
"*BBBuuurrrrppp!* Ahh, finally fr-oh what the eff, man!??" Kagura exclamed as she gripped her fatty, obese belly. She looked up from it, greeted with Litchi's immense cock sitting before her. The red-haired girl gulped nervously as everything clicked in her head.
"Alight, Miss Litchi...I know you're rather excited from your big meal, now let's juuuuuuu-OOOOHHHMMMYGAAAAHHH~!!"
Kagura found herself interrupted as Litchi shoved the enlarged head of her dick into Kagura, steching out her flesh lips as she grunted and moaned along with her partner.
"Oooh! Oooh fuck! Oooh fuck! Ooohh FUCK!!" Kagura shouted as Litchi pumped into her.
"Uwaaa~! Take it all Kagura, take it all!" Litchi panted as she began to swear, her blubber bouncing and wobbling as she screwed into the China girl good and hard, belching as she felt the euphoria build within her. "*UUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!* Oooh~!! Oohhh *huff* shit! K-Kaaaahhh! I-I can't...*huff* *huff* I'm gonna..."
Kagura didn't bother dwelling on whatnher partner meant until she heard a gutteral alto scream bellowed out from Litchi, interrupted by a belch that left an indent in the wall in front of her as cum exploded outwards from the doctor's orgasm, filling the waitress and pumping her so full that her belly quickly swelled before her, blowing up and up and up with Lichi's seed, multiplying in size over time. Both girls found themselves short of breath, sweaty, reeking of lust and felt their minds awash in a tipsy afterglow. Litchi sat down to rest on her haunches, another, tired belch escaping her lips, one last glob of cum squirting from her dick.
"Ooohhh....*Bbbbbuuuuurrrrppp!!!* Ahh...Kagura, I must say, you were fantastic..." Litchi purred, her fatty hands stroking the sides of her belly.
"Th...tha-*Uuurrrrp!!*-thanks..." Kagura muttered tiredly, feeling her mind drift off to sleep...