The ever-diligent Samara was doing her routine patrolling of the corridors, mentally coping with the arduous task ahead of her, when she tasted that strange scent on the air. Strong, flavorful, like a well-aged spiced mead; it was enough to draw even the stoic asari Justicar's interest and she quickly made her way to the docking bay, where she was sure the scent was strongest.
It definitely seemed more crowded then before, with much of its space given over to a small army of large steel crates being manhandled by the Cerberus crew. Off to one side, Shepard's old companion and the Archangel of Omega, one Garrus Vakarian, was regarding the crates with a curious expression while the master thief Kasumi Goto stood next to him, twirling the last few bites of noodles around her chopsticks as she looked up at the approaching Justicar.
"I don't get it," Garrus finished saying, idly scratching the scarring along his cheek. "I mean now that I'm here I can smell it, it's...fine I guess."
"Must be a Turian thing then," Kasumi concluded, slurping up the noodles before she spotted Samara approaching them. "Hey Sammy, tell me you can smell this stuff too, right?"
Samara paused, somewhat flustered by the casual use of her name as 'Sammy'. "I...yes I did smell it, it's quite..."
"DELICIOUS, isn't it?" the master thief interrupted. "I'm feeling hungry just thinking about using this stuff on whatever Gardner manages to cobble together."
"What the bloody hell is going on here?"
Barging into the docking bay, heels snapping sharply on the metal tile floors, Miranda Lawson looked particularly annoyed as she regarded the commotion around all the giant metal crates. "I thought Shepard was hunting pirates, where did all this come from?"
"I'm sure Shepard thought it would be important," Samara said as diplomatically as possible, once again serving as the mediator between the two. It was at this point a necessary role in fulfilling her obligations to the Commander, since given Yuki's stark opposition to Cerberus' goals, Miranda was probably the one person on the ship she got along with the least, and her close friendship with Jack certainly didn't help on that front.
"Yes a few cubic tons of cooking seasoning, definitely a key part of our mission," Miranda rattled off sarcastically. "Is Shepard doing this to piss me off?"
"No, but I think she'd consider that a bonus," Garrus suggested. Miranda, fuming, turned on her heels and marched on out, no doubt finding Kelly or Jacob to vent to instead. Just in time too, as the Kodiak returned on one last trip, the Cerberus workers moving forward to start carrying off the last few crates as the doors to the shuttle opened.
"Goto, do we have wormsign?" Shepard announced dramatically, arms outstretch as she jumped to the ground.
"Yuki, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen!" Kasumi declared just as boisterously as she tossed the empty ramen bowl behind her with a sharp crack.
"...I don't get it," Jack mumbled as she hopped out of the shuttle as well, glancing over at the tank-bred Krogan as he gave a noncommittal shrug.
"Okeer didn't think it was necessary to include the nuances of human pop culture references in my training," he said bluntly.
"Right!" Yuki suddenly declared. "Who wants to crack one of these crates and see what we got?"
"...I sadly have some meditation to get back to," Samara said apologetically.
"Got a few things to deal with myself, actually," Garrus agreed. "But if it makes Gardner's attempts at Dextro-cuisine passable, I won't complain." The two promptly made their exits as Grunt walked over to the closest sealed crate and pried the metal lid off the top, revealing the delectable contents. Yuki, Jack, and Kasumi stared in awe, the seasonings bright red and orange, glistening under the fluorescent lighting. Shepard dared to put her hand in, lifting a fistful and letting it slip through her fingers like fine sand.
"Bet this would go great on a rare steak," Jack decided, liking her lips as she too felt compelled to try this out based on its wonderful scent. "But maybe someone should see what it tastes like before we put it on all our food? Or get Gardner to do it for us."
Yuki pondered this for a moment or two...