Ashley let out a long sigh as she crossed the threshold into her house, her sight blinded temporarily by the sunset shining through the windows. Doffing her coat, she tossed it onto the rack and rolled her stiff neck around; whoever said that a desk job was cushy and comfy was a damned liar.
Okay so technically it wasn't a desk job. Running security for the Systems Alliance embassy on Thessia meant she spent a lot of time on location going over patrol details and bodyguard rosters to ensure important diplomats and politicians were protected from anyone with a bright idea, but compared to running around fighting robot squids in space, it was by all accounts more of a desk job if anything else. Still, who would have thought years after the Reaper threat united the galaxy that there would still be nutjobs running around?
"Ashley you're home!" came a voice from the kitchen, along with a clanking series of pots.
"So are you!" Ashley called back, smiling. "I thought you were working late tonight."
"I wanted to surprise you!" the voice called back in a sing-song tone. "Plus I'm meeting with my therapist the day before you're doing the security detail for the Alliance president, so I wouldn't see you for a bit."
"Only a few days," Ashley pointed out, walking into the dining room of her spacious apartment. She turned to face her wall of medals, slightly adjusting one diploma so it would be straight, when a pair of blue arms suddenly wrapped around her waist.
"Yes, but for your species it must feel like an eternity," Aeian T'Goni teased her. "I know it feels like that for me."
Ashley giggled, turning around and locking lips with her lover in a tender embrace. She was right, it did feel like an eternity when she was away from her. In fact, Ashley didn't know how she managed to live before she met Aeian. She met her when she was still at the Huerta Memorial Hospital recovering from PTSD and they managed to make some light conversation, comparing their experiences dealing with their personal trauma and helping one another to cope with the ongoing war. The therapist said that Ashley had been enormously helpful in helping the poor Asari heal, and when she bumped into her on Thessia years later, it felt like she was right. Like Ashley, Aeian had retired from the service and had taken up an administrative position at a medical center, and she had come a long way from her days at the hospital, where she said that Ashley had really helped her recover from her phobia of humans. Needless to say the two reconnected quickly, only to find out they saw one another as more then just friends, and before you could say "embrace eternity", here was the most beautiful Asari in the universe moving into Ashley's apartment.
"Well, do you want to go out tonight?" Ashley said at last, coming up for air from the passionate embrace.
"Actually..." Aeian said cautiously. "I made dinner tonight."
Ashley blinked in surprise. "You cook?"
" therapist recommended a course to help me on my bad days," Aeian explained, trotting back into the kitchen. "I specialized in some human courses, figured it would help with my phobias and I thought you might like them!"
"I like Asari cuisine fine, you know."
"Well I'll take that course next!" Aeian laughed. "Go ahead and take a seat, I'll bring out the dish."
Ashley smiled as she pulled up a chair and dropped down heavily, glad to finally be off her feet again. She was actually somewhat excited for this; she hadn't had a home-cooked meal in quite some time. It felt like she was leaving mostly off of restaurants and junk food the past few years; frankly it was a miracle she was still relatively fit. Sure she had a slight bulge to her stomach since she started seeing Aeian, but that was probably because they went out for dinner so often. It hadn't been the first time a relationship had added a few inches to her waistline. Maybe a nice classic meal would be just what the doctor ordered.
Within moments a delicious smell emanated from the kitchen, and Aeian entered the room again, holding a steaming dish in front of her.
"I just tried something simple to start with, a sort of casserole made of noodles, Earth meats, and various cheeses and seasonings for a bit of 'alien flare', as the teacher called it," Aeian explained, scooping a nice serving for her girlfriend. "Might need a little bit more Ginarian thestleroot..." Ashley, always the marine, grabbed her fork and took a healthy bite of the casserole, slowly chewing it as her Asari lover looked on nervously.
"If it's not any good, we can order out..." Aeian suggested.
"Actually, it's pretty great!" Ashley said brightly, greatly enjoying the familiar, savory taste. "Very hearty, reminds me of what my dad would make for us." She took another big bite to prove it. "Might even go 'fer seconds!"
Aeian, her eyes glowing, served herself a portion as well. "If you want to try some more, I made an attempt at baking as well. I made something with chipped chocolate in it."
"I'd love to," Ashley said, repressing a giggle. "I can't wait to try more stuff you make."
The pair of them shared a loving look, then tucked into dinner properly.