Scott comes in and looks for Vetra in the workshop, according to SAM it was her latest reported position. She hears a low sub-noise that the Turians only gives. There she was!
She was lying down, with dextro based food, like quarians and turians can consume. Then new tears opened in Vetra's clothes, in the front of Scott. / Crack./
Vetra has really stopped with their somewhat sluggish mission, like looking for survivors from a crashed ark, you know the one who would carried quarians and, drels, hanar, volos and elcors. and some Batarians.
Beyond that, expand colonies. Have kids.
So Scott understood that all military personnel are unable to keep up the bodies when there is no battle to fight.
But Vetra has really become lazy.
Scott have notced that ca 90% of all women on the Andromeda initiative have rounded out something even the angara, Not that it was a bad thing he smiled.
Scott have been working out more lately, need to show good example to everyone. And show That the Human Pathfinder is one good looking guy.
His sister Sarah, have gotten a real beer gut latly, and she is till good looking, but Scott teased Sarah a little.
"Scott?" Asked Vetra.
"Hi Vetra, how are you?" Said Scott amused.
"Im fine, little dizzy, can you help me up?" Asks Vetra, the now plump looking girl, so sexy.
"Of course", Scott replied.
When he tried to pull up Vetra at the same time when one hand was pulled down behind her back on Vetra, his hand fell too much into the fat. Scott slipped an landed on top of Vetra. /Duuump/
"Sorry" said Scott.
He tried to get up but she held him, with her arms.
"Scott! Dont go, stay, please". called vetra out.
"Vetra, you might have to"...
"Pleaseeee! It been so long I had someone this near."
"Vetra I thought you used to hang around Sarah?" Said scott Suprised, trying to hide he enjoys the soft sexy body of Vetra.
"You cant just eating around and be so lazy all the time, wheres the strong, smart funny woman I knew?" Asked scott
"If you want me Vetra so sharpen up and get back to the tempest and follow me on scouting missions, I need someone who loves big guns. We have made a replica of the Systems alliance Mako".
"Ok, if U says so" said Vetra." I will be better."
They hugged and teared of their clothes on the floor and they had sex, Damn. There was so much now to grab on her he thought while he inserted his penis in Vetras Vagina and started to pump back and fourth until he cumed. She kissed him and moaned in ectasy.
"Do you like how I look". said vetra.
"I do, but I dont girls who becomes a real BBW. I like a soft fat butt and tights with a fat gut with some love handels. I dont know if it is a fetish but I do like fat women, NOT Obese". Confessed scott.
"Sooo, im good, no more blimping up?" Said Vetra.
"Well a few more pounds wont hurt."