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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #1904779
The contestants: Rouge, Princess Peach, Leela, Marge Simpson, and Lois Griffin

The contestants: Rouge, Princess Peach, Leela, Marge Simpson, and Lois Griffin

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
A mysterious jester in purple and yellow clothes, black floating hands and feet, and a mask with one half of it being white, and the other black, has been waiting in his hideout in an old abandoned factory in a big city, plotting his revenge on all the dimensions he wished to destroy. This evil figure smiled as an evil plan finally formed in his head. In less than a second, he raised his hand, and snapped his fingers. As soon as he did, 5 beautiful women appeared out of nowhere, looking around curiously as to why they were there.

The blonde woman with blue eyes and a royal pink gown and red high heels, hiding her little breasts, but big ass, was the one known as Princess Peach. The yellow skinned woman in a green dress and also red high heels, with big eyes, blue hair, a slim body, and tiny breasts and ass, was Marge. The third woman in black pants and boots, with a white tank top, a big purple pony tail, one big eye instead of two, and large breasts and a medium sized butt was Leela. The red head, in a green-ish blouse, tan-ish pants, a big triangular nose, red shoes, medium-sized breasts and ass, was Lois. Finally, the fifth woman, which wasn't even a human, but a female bat, with big eyes, white high-heel boots, black skin tight pants over her small ass, a heart-shaped chest piece that covered her breasts (which was the bustiest of all of the breasts), white fur all along her head, but latino-skinned everywhere else on her body, was Rouge.

They all looked up at the evil jester that had brought them here. "Salutations, contestants," he greeted. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am the master of dimensions. The pleaser of crowds! I am...Dimentio." He bowed as if he were in a play. "I have the power of all dimensions that allows me to control anything, and anyone, I wish. Recently, I have failed at my last attempt to destroy all dimensions and create my own, in which I can rule. But, as some of you can already guess, I failed. Now I plan to attempt to destroy them again, but in a way that is interesting for me."

He continued with his speech. (If you want to skip all this talking and go straight to the rules, go to the bottom) "I have chosen you five women to be the entertainment of my plan, where I will make you compete in a competition on who will be the last person standing, as you outgrow all of existence! Ahahahaha!"

Before anyone could object, or question him, Dimentio continued. "I will start you all off at 10 feet, and let you decide if you still want to quit or not." With another snap of his fingers, pleasure started to overtake the five women, as they moaned slightly in pleasure as they slowly started to grow to 10 feet. Once they stopped growing, they were only covered in the torn remains of their clothes, which still covered their private parts. It was, of course, unanimous that they wanted to keep growing.

Dimentio gave off an evil, cocky smirk.

"The rules are simple:
1. The contestants will be given a growth trigger at random, which they will all have to abide by if they want to keep growing. For example: If the growth trigger is 'destruction', the only way you can grow is to destroy things, and kill people.
2. If a contestant dies, the remaining contestants will all triple in size. If you're at 50 feet, you'll grow to 150 feet. If you're 200 miles, you'll grow to 600 miles. If you are the size of the planet, you'll grow three times the size of the planet.
3. If you kill a loved one, that's extra points, and you'll grow twice your size.
4. I am not a creep who will stand for anything too disgusting. All I ask is that if you start to take a piss, a crap, or fart on anything, I will rewind time and make you redo your actions from that point [Meaning that I, the creator of the story, will delete that chapter]. Anything else is fine (as far as I know)."
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1904779-Fan-made-Giantess-Growth-Competition-1