"Now arriving in Snowpoint." A voice says over the intercom. You begin to make your way up the stairs to the front deck of the boat, and as you do you feel the cold wind against your skin. You shiver as you disembark, not quite used to the cold weather in this region of Sinnoh. You begin looking around, not quite sure which way you should set off first.
"Hey! Need some help!" You hear a voice call out. You notice a girl waving in your direction. At first you aren't sure if she's talking to you or not, but it becomes clear once she starts running up to you.
"My name's Dawn!" She says, smiling. "You look lost so I thought maybe I could help. I've lived in the Sinnoh region my whole life, so I should be able to help if you need it!"
You thank her, and explain how you are the Kalos region champion, and you are now looking to explore some of the other regions.
"No way, really? The champion?" She says excitedly. "That means you must have tons of interesting pokemon that aren't from around here!"
You tell her some of the pokemon you have caught along your journey. She seems to be writing these down as you do so. "Would you be interested in having a battle? I'm one of professor Rowan's assistants. He's the lead professor of this region. I'm sure he'd love to hear whatever I can learn about your pokemon!"
You agree, and suddenly an idea pops into your head. You propose to make the battle more interesting by raising the stakes. If you win, she has to be your guide around Sinnoh. If she wins, you offer to rub her feet. She hesitates a second before saying "Are you sure about that? I mean, I have no problem about being your guide and my feet are sore, but I've been walking around Sinnoh for a while now. My feet probably don't smell so good..."
You assure that you don't mind, and insist that you won't lose since you're the Kalos champion.
Seeing your confidence she smiles and says "Alright, now if I lose I won't feel bad about subjecting you to my smelly feet."
You and her begin the battle. You take the early lead, but purposely begin to throw the match. It's a much closer fight than you would have thought, but end up losing to her in the end. She begins jumping up and down cheering.
"HA! I beat the Kalos champion!" She says "And you know what that means right? Time for my foot rub!" She grabs your hand and begins leading you away. A few minutes later you find yourself in front of a pokemon center. She leads you inside and over to a table, where she takes a seat and motions for you to join her.
"This looks like a good place to start." She says. As you sit down next to her, she begins slipping off her pink boots. A strong scent begins to fill the area. Dawn brings her socked feet up and places them on your lap. "Oh yeah, I can already smell them." She says with a giggle. "I hope you enjoy my smelly feet!"
You grab her right foot and begin pressing your fingers into her sole. She's still wearing her black socks, and you can feel how sweaty they have been inside her boots. The smell is intense at this point, lingering in the air wherever her feet are. She leans back as you rub her feet. "This feels AMAZING. I have been walking around Sinnoh for weeks now, I haven't had a chance to rest my feet at all. You're doing such a good job, I could walk another 1000 miles after this."
She looks over at you, intrigued by how intensely you are staring at her feet. She giggles, and quickly brings her left foot up under your nose. The smell assaults your nostrils, and you cough. She laughs at your reaction.
"I told you they stink! You should have seen your face! This is amazing, the champion of Kalos rubbing my smelly feet!" She rests her left foot on your shoulder, making sure her smelly sock is a mere inches from your nose. "Why don't you take my socks off?" She asks.
You nod and slowly peel off her socks. The sweat causes them to stick to her feet, and offers and bit of resistance, but with a little more force you are able to pull them off. The smell suddenly becomes much stronger. Dawn begins laughing again. "I'm so sorry, they smell so bad! You asked for this though!" She says as she lifts both feet up to your face. "Give them a kiss?" She asks playfully.
At this point you can't stop yourself, and pull her feet to your mouth. You plant a kiss on each of her feet. As you do she pulls them away. "You didn't actually have to do that!" She says, sounding concerned. "I know they really stink, I was just joking..."
You assure her its alright, and offer to keep rubbing her feet. She agrees, and puts her barefeet back on your lap. You continue to rub her moist soles for quite a while, while the two of you discuss the pokemon of your various reasons. Finally she pulls her feet away.
"Alright, I think I put you through enough. In fact, I think you did more than you should have! To make it up, how about I serve as your tour guide anyway? I swear, its not just a reason to get more foot rubs!"
You gladly accept her offer, and she puts back on her shoes and socks. "Alright, since you're a champion from Kalos, you must be interested in the pokemon league here. Hmm.. If you're up for a challenge we can visit Candice! Or we can start a bit easier and go to Gardenia. Which do you prefer?"