Soshi explored the canyon that was his mother's ass-crack. He then saw the person, he explored here so many times, his eyes could easily adjust to the darkness in here. It was a girl, unlike most of the women and girls of this town...This girl was really skinny and stood 5'1. and weighed only 102lbs, she was one of the last few remaining girls in this town who was normal sized. Most of the normal sized girls and women were cruelly enslaved and mocked by the new huge fat girls, as being huge and fat quickly became the most attractive thing and now the even the 'skinniest' girls weighed practically the same or slightly more than Soshi's younger sister Megumi, it was almost impossible these days to find a girl who weighed less than 900lbs, that being the lightest weight for a girl in this town now. This girl's hair was wet and damp from being in here it was a deep raven color. The poor girl looked like she was scared to death. Soshi was surprised. "Helena?" This girl was Helena, she was a 15 yr old sophomore who went to his school. She had had a crush on him until his massive girlfriend Karin found out through one of her gang members and confronted her about it. From what he had had heard Karin nearly reduced Helena into her own servant. But it appeared, she decided to let his mother handle it. Soshi wasn't too surprised as his mother was the largest woman in the world and can crush anyone to death or force them into becoming her slaves. She had done it several times before to people who had often done something to him.
Helena looked scared. "W-Who's there?!" She then squinted into the darkness and saw it was small male silhouette."Soshi, is that you?"
The younger, shorter teen nodded. "Yes Helena, if you're in here, Karin must have told mom about your crush on me...Mom, my sisters, and Karin are very possessive."
Helena managed to wiggle loose. "It was awful, she called me into her office to speak to me about my feelings for you and next thing I knew I ended up wedged in here."
Soshi explained. "Believe it or not Helena, it's actually normal for me to hear muffled screams in mom's clothes. It's been like this ever since I was young. Mom has never let any other girls aside from herself, my sisters, or Karin even mention about loving me."
Soshi helped Helena and began to backtrack the way he had came.
Lucertia feeling her son's movement then reached behind her and spread her massive cheeks, Soshi emerged from the abyss with a black-haired girl.
Lucertia giggled. "Oh you found her sweetie, I forgot about this girl..."
"I know mom...I'll wait outside. Just go easy on her." Soshi said.
Lucertia picked up her son and then kissed him. "Of course sweetie, I'm just going to have a little girl-to girl talk with her." When Soshi left, Lucertia's whole demeanor changed and then Helena was harshly slapped by the massive woman, sending her flying and hitting Lucertia's huge bed.
Lucertia looked down at the frightened and hurt Helena with a malicious sneer. "I just told my baby that to put his mind at ease. I don't like some little skinny twig slut coming into our lives and trying to steal MY baby's heart from us." She then crawled onto her bed and soon looked evilly down at the frightened girl. "He doesn't need some little twig who would snap the minute he entered her pussy...You see you little twig bitch, no normal sized woman could ever handle a man of my family, even a young one like my little boy...If you tried to take my son's cock into your tight little pussy he would break you in half from his sheer size alone."
Helena was shaking.
Lucertia just smiled cruelly. "You aren't worthy of him you little twig slut, and you're far too small and skinny for me to eat...I could crush you but I don't want to stain my beautiful body with your unworthy blood."