Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1896271-Big-Little-Girls/cid/2259206-Manyara-wants-to-get-changed-too---they-try-to-
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Activity · #1896271
A group of young girls with a large future ahead of them!
This choice: Manyara wants to get changed too - they try to find something to fit her.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #22

Manyara wants to get changed too - they try to ...

    by: Unknown
By the time the two girls reached the top of the stairs they were sweaty all over again. The effort of climbing stairs, already difficult for young ladies of their size, was made even more difficult by the trials of the day that had passed before, so it was with great relief that the two of them, huffing and puffing, collapsed onto Susan's bed, box springs screaming out in protest of their weight.

"Huff... I can't wait to get out of these clothes!" Susan cried disdainfully, clutching a corner of her sopping shirt in one chunky fist. "I'm going to live in my pajamas all weekend!"

Manyara was a bit quieter than Susan, as the larger girl was still trying to catch her breath, but no less enthusiastic. "I...hff...agree..." she wheezed, trying to smooth her too-small gym shirt over a wide band of exposed brown flesh. "I wish I had...hff...something to wear..."

Susan waved her hands exasperatedly. "Oh, don't be silly! You can wear something of mine! Just hang on a minute, I need to have a look first..."

And with that, the smaller of the two large girls stood up, with some difficulty, and began lumbering around the room looking for clothes. Drawers were opened, shelves examined, closets checked, but, to her chagrin, nothing of hers could be made to fit Manyara. With a mild expletive, she stepped into the bathroom to put on her own pajamas- which, in and of themselves, could only be said to "fit" with a very generous definition of the word- and set off to find something to wear.

Unfortunately, as the only girl remaining in the house, clothing options were limited. Her father's shirts, despite being large in their own way, were made to fit his lanky figure, not Manyara's plush one, so they couldn't work. The few boxes remaining of her mother's were also, very obviously, out of the question. With palpable frustration, Susan combed through a few more boxes sitting in the basement until, finally, she came across something of use.

"Manyara! Check this out!" Susan said triumphantly, returning, red-faced, up the stairs with a largish suitcase in her hands.

"Ooh, what is it?" answered the larger girl, who had remained sitting so as not to tire herself unduly.

"Clothes! And in your size, too!" Susan replied, opening the case with the air of a sideshow barker. "Shirts, pants, dresses...there's even a bit of jewelry in here!"

"Oh, wow!" Manyara exclaimed, eyes wide. "These are really nice!"

"Yeah, I'm a little jealous! Here, try this on," Susan agreed, passing over a black silk dress.

Manyara wasted no time, disrobing unabashedly and pulling the dress over her head. "This is awesome, Susie, thank you! What do you think?"

Susan smiled. "You look adorable! It goes with your hair and everything!"

Manyara smiled back. "Aww, thank you! I wish I could keep it..."

"Oh, of course you can! Take the rest of them too, I probably won't need them anyway..."

The insult, even if accidental, didn't miss Manyara. At that rate... she thought to herself spitefully, before dismissing it. No, she's your friend! Take the clothes!
To distract herself, she asked "Where did these come from, anyway?"

"Oh, they were my Aunt Bertha's," Susan answered distractedly. "Mom didn't fit into them, of course, but she said they were good motivation. Apparently Aunt Bertha was a real whale!"

Manyara, even with her forgiving nature, couldn't ignore that one. A whale, huh? Says you... "Oh, how about that," she answered aloud, through gritted teeth. Luckily, she was saved from more anger by Randall's impassioned shout of "Dinner's ready!"


Unfortunately, the anger returned in force when Susan, hurrying towards food, took the stairs two at a time, reaching the table well before Manyara's waddle- necessary, as she couldn't see the stairs beyond her gut- took her down even halfway. I'll show you who's a whale, she thought, a ghastly smile creasing her flabby face.
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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