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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1894743
a Greek expression of midnight love: lust

a Greek expression of midnight love: lust

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

You're of no significance
A pleasure tool
No polite conversing
Traveling through one ear
Out the next
Foreplay to reason I called you here
Your day is as important
As your name is to me
Don't waste your breath
Don't waste my time
Save your words for the devil
After the sins we commit
You'll need every sparing breath
Fucking from dusk .til dawn
Dusk to veil the whore beside me
Dawn illuminating only physical beauty to me
In hopes we never cross on the street
To turn dusk to dawn
And dawn to dusk
Will deteriorate the most poetic of lips
Dim the most vibrant eyes
Rot the sweetest skin
All you'll be is an object to me
Covered by the sheet of night
Turned deity by the power of light
Accompanied by a goddesses scent and beauty
A goddess of pleasure
Fucking under the mother of gods
In fear of your reputation being spoiled
To the mortal whore you are
IMPORTANT NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: The content in this story has been rated 18+. However, since this story is created by members, Writing.Com can not control the content within it. As with any item on Writing.Com, the content rating MAY or MAY NOT be accurate and the site makes no guarantees as to the accuracy. Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates will not be held responsible for the content within this interactive story. Posters accept all responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the content they've uploaded / submitted / posted on Writing.Com.
Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1894743-Aphrodite