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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1894741
it still bleeds internally

it still bleeds internally

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

When I see the blood run
Life pulsates out
Validating I'm alive
So long as sharpened steel doesn't penetrate my skin
The wounds will still bleed
By the razors bisecting my mind
Swimming through my veins
Have to cut every artery
And bleed my veins to hallowed tubes
My last scar is my first
The one that pains me to a repressed scent
A comparative detail to what I struggle
To keep a gestalt
A blur that wont leave that corner of my eye
The true immortal scar
My child I couldn't put myself to kill
That scratch inside my heart that stings
With each beat
Scabbing til razors pass
To pick apart at everything I know
Madness swelling at the base of my brain
Trying to process massacred thoughts
Of my first loss
Shallow enough to feel every nerve ending
Deep enough to cut the lining of my heart
Her infection staying open
Til my heart is bled dry
Cutting til the last drop is bled
The last scar bleeds internally blue
Spreading like a virus
Razors mass produce in my blood stream

Opening my first wound
With each beat
Beating faster at the sound of her voice
In someone else's mouth
As long as she breaths
As long as she's imprinted in my thoughts
Code red is the only cure
Breeding razors, replicating through my red blood cells
Weaker as the years pass
The mass produced steel transforms my warm blood cold
Her breathes will infect and sting from an eternal wound
With each beat my heart pumps
Fueling my one true love
My one true regret, slipping through immature hands
She bred these razors I raised
taught them to swim and build their harbor
Feeding them with my bottom thoughts
Til they grew to large to contain
Releasing them into my blood stream
I could heal every pained memory
Erase her from my thoughts
But she'd still have safe harbor
With a mysterious burning sting
With each heart beat
Fused to my DNA after opening her wound
Day in and day out
She'll be the queen virus inside the lining of my heart
As the source of my blood flow
She'll still pain with one drop of blood tearing
Being without her in life
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1894741-The-Last-Scar/map