Catwoman didn't even notice the guard when she came in. But she did when, she slammed into his back and her bag flew to the other side of the room. Both of them fell forward in surprise. If the male guard didn't move his arm over his head, he would have knocked his head against the window.
The sudden crash stunned the guard. He only came in here when he passed the door and felt a strong wind coming from the room. He came in expecting the window just left open only to find a hole in the glass. Automatically, he grab for his walkie when something crashed into him from behind. He fell forward, with quick reflexes saving him from the hospital. He momentarily laid there till he felt someone moving on him.
This is bad. Judging by the pain in her stomach, she is too weak to beat this guard up. The guard struggled to get up but Catwoman brought her hands on his arms. "Oh no, you're don't!" Catwoman said to the guard. With surprisingly new strength, Catwoman pinned him down.
In a unrelated or related note, a 18 year old with sandy blonde hair, a foot long cock in his pants and named Jacob, was watching the stars late in the night when he heard a bump coming from the museum. The lights were on and he could see some movement. Jacob took out some binoculars and looked at the window. He sees the security guard laying on his stomach with Catwoman on top over him. Her legs spread over the guards back and he could see her cameltoe through her suit. She didn't look so good but when she pinned the guard to the ground, Jacob couldn't help let his "little friend" get some air and a nice massage.
Back in the office, the guard tried to struggle his way out but Catwoman seems unusually strong to him. He could move. "Hey, get off of me, you cat! Yes, I know it's you. Everyone else is too flashy. Let me go and turn yourself in before you get into anymore trouble." The guard said. Everyone in the city thinks Catwoman very sane compared to those "others". Well, he hopes their right.
Catwoman shook her head. In normal circumstances, as well as this guard being a very hot man, she would possibly rape him if she didn't have any sex in a long time. She had no joy fucking punks. She herself can feel her pussy being dragged along his back as they fought for control. But she couldn't think about that. She really felt starving. "I am not turning myself in. Why? One, I don't want to and two, I have the upper hand here, so it's what I want that truly matters." Then she bended down close to his ear and, in a sexy voice (a technique she learned from Ivy), she continued, "Be sure to satisfy me if you want to leave this room." His body odor reach her nose and she took a whiff. If she wasn't under the Fitish, she would find his smell disgusting, despite being hot. But now, it only made her drool and her stomach growl.
The man stopped moving under her. He can clearly feel her big breasts being pressed against him. A few moments of silence came before he replied "... Ok. What do you want me to do?"