You wake up to the soft touch of a woman’s hand. Light slowly pours on your eyes, but everything is a blur. How long have you been asleep? You don’t feel particularly rested. No dream, no nightmare, only the notion that Cassie was the last thing you saw, and then you fainted.
“Cassie?” you ask, but you don’t hear her. You only hear a taunting, yet pleasant, laugh.
“No,” the woman says. Her voice sounds like Ashley, but deeper and more mature. You feel the hand rubbing on you again, scanning every bit of your body. “I’m appalled, though. Did my daughter left such a good impression that you call her name as soon as you awake?”
You shiver and squirm. This must be the woman your dad – now Marie Anderson, your mom – warned you about. “You... You’re her, right?”
The blur starts to fade away, and you get a glimpse of your visitor. There is a regal presence surrounding her – no, not royalty. Divinity. Her hair, tied in a chignon with two twirling bangs, shines a platinum hue in the dim sunlight pouring from the window. She’s dressed impeccably – a matching bone-colored blazer and miniskirt, and a crisp white shirt buttoned all the way up, the collar held in place by a pearl clasp.
For being a woman pushing her fifties, however, she is stunningly hot. She is the mold from where Ashley emerged – she has a massive pair of breasts that dwarf that of her daughters, and what little you can see of her hips could make the nascent Venus weep in envy.
You’re not one to blaspheme – though you’re not very devout yourself – but if she told you she was a goddess, you’d agree. Though, judging by what your father told you, she may very well be the Devil in person.
“What did my dear new friend Marie told you, hmm?” She caresses your cheek, and her grin becomes both radiant and malefic. “That I am a bad person? A criminal mastermind, perhaps?”
You shake your head. “N-no...! My d... My dad--”
“You’re not happy that I fixed things in your family?” You swallow your tongue, fearing the repercussions of your words. “Your father and your mother are together again – my wretched daughter will not harm them anymore.”
“You’re sick,” you whimper.
“Now, now!” she taunts you. “You care so little for your life that you dare taunt me?”
“S-sorry...” You feel your tears running down your cheeks and your snot coating your lips.
She draws a silk handkerchief, dutifully wiping them off. “Is that how you apologize to someone, young man?” she asks sternly, without raising her voice. “Did your parents teach you no manners?”
“What else should I say, ma’am?”
“Perhaps grovel? Beg for my mercy?”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I-it won’t happen again. Please, don’t do anything to my family – they didn’t--”
“Better - though I seriously question the manner your parents raised you. No gumption. An easily shattered will” She finishes wiping your tears, snorting. “A shame. You’re quite the handsome young man.”
“What do you want from me? What do you want from... from my mother?”
“I want her to live the life my daughter unjustly stole from her. To enjoy her womanhood to her fullest, with that devoted man she has for a husband.”
“You know that’s not true.”
“And what is the truth? That your father is the culprit? That your mother was the unjust victim?” She rubs her delicate hand on your body, keeping her domineering poise. “Let me tell you how I see this situation. Your father and your mother love each other. Did you ever see them fight?”
You measure your words, but recognize the truth in her words. “No. I didn’t.”
“They were a happy family. Until my daughter arrived. You see – she was born with certain unfortunate qualities. She’s beautiful. Very beautiful. Wouldn’t you agree, my dear?”
You nod, saying no words. “See, I know you wore her. Wasn’t she exquisite? Didn’t you enjoy her luscious breasts, and her delectable hips, and those lips that say ‘kiss me and never let me go’?”
You refuse to humor her with a gesture, yet she just laughs and pats your chest. “Don’t be coy! She came from my entrails, after all. I made her beautiful. But, sadly, she was born with a desire for men older than her – perhaps, because she was born without a father.”
She straightens, crossing her leg seductively. “Oh, but what am I saying! She was born with a father. One she barely knew, because of... a lapse on my judgment. She wasn’t raised by one, and in her desire to satisfy that, she sought older men. And thus, she ruined poor Trevor.”
Her words run a chill down your spine. “Destroyed his life, because of a terrible lie. I stood by her, blindly, like any mother would. Another lapse in my judgment that only the clarity of age would reveal. Had I known the truth, I would have chastised her. I was wrong. Deeply wrong.”
You remain silent as she finishes her monologue – in fear she may retaliate. “And because of that, she did it again. She saw the virtues of your father – the clean look, the wisdom of age – and bonded to him. She brought him to her bosom, offering him the forbidden fruit – the promise of renewed youth - in exchange for fulfilling her need for a parental figure.”
“By the time he realized it,” she continues, “it was too late. Your mother, feeling betrayed, made a rash decision. Rather than recall her oath - ‘til death do thee part – she broke a relationship of... How long was it? Twenty years? I’m shocked she had the clarity to claim Ashley for herself after that!”
You throw daggers from your eyes, and she notices. “Please tell me you’re not angry because of what happened. You too, like your parents, are victim of my daughter’s lies. But I know you went one step further. You disposed of Trevor.”
She looms closer, her eyes gleaming with malevolence, as she asks you. “So tell me. What did you do to Trevor? What merited your anger towards him?”
She awaits for your response. She wants you to be bold, but you know any word you say will be used against you. What can you answer to someone who hangs your life by a thread?
Perhaps, you believe, the truth will set you free. “I saw him using the pen on Ashley. I didn’t know who she was, but I thought she was in danger.”
“Naturally. The beautiful damsel in distress. Go on.”
“I noticed he dropped the pen, so I followed him. When I saw him as her, I used the pen. I wanted to rescue her, but I was curious, though, so I thought about putting her on. Just then, I receive a call, and I notice... it’s Dad.”
“And instead of thinking ‘why would my father call an unknown woman?’, you thought he was cheating on your mother.”
“He was. If Dad had resisted – if he had said he didn’t - I would’ve believed him. But he was the one who asked her to sleep with him. It wasn’t her.”
“Have you considered that, perhaps, he was deceived for so long by her that he didn’t think it was wrong?”
“How should I know? I didn’t know what was on her mind.”
“Perhaps if you had, you would have realized the truth. She deceived him. Had you not interrupted Trevor so blindly, he would have saved your family. Your emotions clouded your judgment. Yet, instead of sparing his life, you did the unthinkable. What did you do?”
“I...” It feels so easy to say it. “I was so angry for Dad’s betrayal, but I couldn’t take it on him. When Mom said she wanted to take over Ashley’s life, I agreed. She had to pay. But I couldn’t punish Dad. So I did the only thing that could...”
“That could?”
“I dunno. Quell? Satisfy? I was angry, alright? So I burned his skin, until there was nothing left.”
“And because of your passions, you killed a man.” She straightens and relaxes. “You just confessed to a crime, young man. In a court of law, that would have found you guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Yet, you illegally disposed of his corpse, and are also complicit to identity theft. You know what’s the penalty for those crimes?”
You gulp. “Death?”
“No. But sadly, I am no judge. Now, tell me. Why should I give you any mercy? Why should I forgive you for the death of Trevor Lachlan, an innocent man, when he did nothing to you?”
You close your eyes and swallow hard. “Because I thought I did the right thing.” Then, the moment of clarity in your desperation. “Though, if I have to pay for something I did, thinking it was the right thing... Shouldn’t you too? You stood for her, after all.”
You see her expression change. She’s surprised. She’s amused, judging by her loud and long cackle. And she’s satisfied, if her grin tells you anything. “Well played, my dear. I knew you’d see the light.”
“Now what?’ you ask her. “Are you gonna kill me?”
“I promised your mother that you’d be safe,” she confirms. “Unlike Ashley, I wouldn’t destroy a family so callously. But you must pay. Perhaps not an eye for an eye, but with proportionate retribution.”
“You told my... my mom... that you’d let her decide.”
“Her love will cloud her judgment. You will be razed, my dear. But you will live. I will let her tell me what she feels is the right punishment, but I will be the one who decides.”
“But while that happens...” You see her take her blazer, unlatch the clasp, and unbutton her shirt. “Let me teach you how a responsible man should behave.”
She takes off her skirt, leaving her in underwear – and even that is soon gone, leaving you to witness the majesty of her naked body. “Let’s start by claiming the last vestige of your boyhood, child. Your virginity.”
“And if you please me well,” she purrs, as she mounts atop you, “I might even be lenient.”