You wake up at the by-house because you wanted to try something new. You noticed the latex catsuit on the basement closet and you knew you had to wear it. And when you learned it came with a latex g-string? You knew it had to be chewed by your fat Asian ass.
You rub your pussy as your eyes acclimate to the picture you’re grabbing on the other hand – a picture of yourself (well, the woman you’re wearing) and her younger cousin, a couple years ago when she joined the cheer squad at Edgefield High.
“God, Sonie,” you "tell" your little cousin. “Who’d have imagined you had a cousin so hot!?”
Because I work for it, the voice in your mind replies, and you agree. It’s hard work being Caitlin Xie, and it shows.
It feels even stranger to be this small – after being a giantess like Rachel, Caitlin feels like a dwarf – but you don’t miss the curves. Like the others, she’s blessed with a big pair of jugs and a fat ass, and superb toned legs currently wrapped in tight black latex. Her Asian features are very prominent – slanted black eyes, lips like a bat in flight and a small nose on a very oval face – yet obscured by her voluminous bob cut with those long side bangs reaching to your clavicle.
Her resemblance to her cousin Sonya is undeniable. You’d think they’re sisters instead of cousins, but that’s what you get when her parents are twins. Caitlin is older by four years, however, so they never met in school aside from elementary, but Sonya follows on her footsteps as the captain of the cheer squad – if not as captain of the Debate club as you did.
For, though she doesn’t appear as such, Caitlin is very smart. Since youth, her mother made her practice piano lessons (which she seldom practices) and excel in STEM studies, which she loathes. By teenage years, she staged her own rebellion by getting into cheer squad and owning the school – inspiring Sonya to do the same. However, she kept her grades high, and managed to score entry into Tynemouth College...
...only to give her parents the proverbial middle finger and setting on her own. She hasn’t talked to her parents ever since, keeping a closer relationship with her aunt Wendy. Though, even she and her uncle Harry wouldn’t approve of what Tessa and you have made her – a sex-crazed slut.
A sex-crazed slut that fantasizes about her cousin, and how hot she’d look if nude. Or better yet – if you wore her.
You stretch after that marathon of masturbation, feeling all your juices soaking and dripping from your legs. Not like they fall on the floor, since you decided to match it with some killer five-inch heel boots and long, shiny latex gloves. The black leather jacket you slipped in gives you a femme fatale feel, one Caitlin loves to express.
As you step to the living room, you’re met with a pleasant surprise. Ashley’s there, dressed in business attire, sipping from a cup and not surprised to see you. “Wearing the Asian slut, I see.”
“Mom assigned her to me,” you reply, with the same catty tone that befits your name – not your Western name, but the one assigned by your parents, Miao-Wei. “What are you doing here?”
“Can’t I visit my mother?” she replies, irritated. “Though, I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“Worried about me?” You grab a bottle of water from the fridge – bending as much as possible – and sit across her.
“No. I heard from Mom that you’re doing a magnificent job. I wanted to see what.”
“Not much,” you brag. “Making deals with people. Putting them into submission. You?”
“Working,” she replies courteously. It’s been a while, but Ashley has changed a lot. Sure, she keeps her hair short and messy, but her gruff attitude has softened into an air of elegance hiding steel. “Enjoying the new life Mom gave me.”
“Yeah, she told me all about it...” You take a swig of water and sigh. “What made you do it?”
She stares you down, standing up. “What do you think? She was almost this curvy back then. And she floundered her assets.”
“You mean, your assets.”
She chuckles, sipping from her cup once more. “True. Wasn’t on my agenda, but can’t deny the benefits. I feel so safe in her arms,” she says as she sets the cup aside and hugs her breasts. “I feel so safe with him inside me. Almost like it was meant to be.”
“Glad you’re enjoying it,” you say, half-heartedly. “Me, I can’t get enough of the girls.”
“The ones hanging from you or the girls overall?” She grins maliciously, looking at your eyes with her green lights. “Stupid question – of course you like both.” She leans forward, menacingly, as a predator on the prowl. “Bet the sex must be phenomenal.”
“And the payout. Mom promised she’d set up all the funds I earn from each of them.”
“Yeah, well – you gotta earn your food any way you can.” The evil glare as she sips from her cup tells you this wasn’t polite advice. It was a wicked barb, thrown at you out of malice.
“If I can mix business and pleasure?” You draw your metaphorical claws, slicing at her. “Better.”
“Get used to it.” You stroke a nerve. “You’re Mom’s favorite play-toy now, but just like many, you’ll be swiped away when she grows bored. You’ll never grow beyond a glorified slut.”
“Mom wouldn’t be letting me wear these if I wasn’t good. And you wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t praising me.”
“I don’t need to be here to congratulate you,” she replies coldly. “Or to exchange pleasantries with Mom – other than thanking her for this. The deal’s closed. I can do anything I want with her life.”
“Cool. Why try to rub it on me, then? I figured bygones be bygones – Mom certainly feels like it.”
“Not as much as you’d think.” She grins, somehow getting one up on you. “So strange that you haven’t asked me about your family.”
Yeah, you realize. She hasn’t let it go. “Mom said she left a replacement. Must be one of the clones she can make with the pens, no?”
She stares at you, surprised. “Seems she’s sharing more than I expected. I’m surprised she hasn’t told you about her plans with them.”
“Oh, look at the time!” she says with a maliciously gentle grin. “Better be back and check things up. Did I mention I financed a car for myself? Anyways...” She kisses you on the cheek and evades your furious grasp. “Bye, darling. Hope you enjoy what you gained for what you sacrificed.”
And like that, she leaves you in the dust, stealing the last word. How long you’ve been without considering your family’s well state? Tessa said they were alright. Why would she back down on this?
You don’t even bother to change, other than a small leather skirt to fit the jacket. You storm straight into the Wrights’ house, demanding answers. “Mrs. Wright!?”
“Ah!” she exclaims with delight. “There you are, my dear. What’s wrong?”
“Ashley paid me a visit,” you confess, honoring her warm welcome. “Said something about my family.”
“Do you miss them?” She rubs your back, chuckling. “I figured you’d enjoy this.”
You want to ask how she knew, but you suspect. Another question looms in your mind. “I don’t like her tone, Mom.”
“She can be a bit rough, isn’t she?” She takes off your jacket, throwing it aside. “Must be holding a grudge. I wonder why.”
“But they’re fine, right?” You stare at her, and she remains silent. “They’re fine, right?”
She grabs your chin and smiles timidly. “They will.”
You stand up, horrified. “What did you do to them?”
“I believe the question should be why should you care, but I get you.” She grasps your hands and brings you closer. “I can’t stop worrying about my daughters, after all. That’s very endearing from you.”
“But that means--!”
She presses her finely manicured finger on your lips, gently shushing. “Darling, didn’t I ask you to call me ‘Mom’?”
“Y... Yes.”
“Why do you think I asked you that?” Her answer chills you to the bone. “I thought you’d be happy to be welcomed to my family.”
She’s not lying. These past few weeks have been amazing. Your experiences with Sasha, with Nyssa and with Rachel have opened your eyes to new delights. And Cassie’s treatment has been great.
But, in contrast, Ashley’s treatment has been harsh, and you have yet to meet Barbara, the third of Tessa’s daughters. They’re the oldest, and might be resentful of her mother’s doting. Should they have the right to be pissed at you?
“I am,” you reply. “But it seems I’m not welcome here – except for Cassie.”
“And Cassie certainly likes having someone like you around.” Tessa leads you to her room as she speaks. “She’s motivated. Ecstatic."
“Yeah... But Ashley doesn’t.”
“Pay her no attention,” she claims. “She can’t drop a grudge – that's all. But like I said, the debt has been paid. I offered you the opportunity of a lifetime – and I am certainly pleased with what you’ve become.”
“Will I be truly welcome by them?”
“You arrived late into our lives, my dear. They envy my attention towards you, but they shouldn’t. I love them as equally as I do you.”
That comforts you – it seems Tessa is firmly on your side – but the question still remains in the air. “Then... What about my old family? They did nothing.”
“You’ll see their lives will improve as yours will. Just you wait.”
Now in her room, Tessa takes off her clothes, admiring your petite beauty. “Take it off,” she says about your catsuit. “You must be steaming inside.”
If you didn’t before, now you do. You know what the mistress wants. You carefully take it off, feeling how it stretches and pulls your skin, moist by all the sweat you’ve accumulated. As soon as you slip it off your groin, you feel her delicate hands wrapping your nude skin, and her nose taking a deep whiff.
“I love how you smell, dear. Let me relieve your stress, shall we?”