"What to do, what to do. Just how am I going to punish you for your very very naughty actions..." She put a finger to her lips in mock contemplation for only a moment before her stomach started to gurgle, making itself very well present in the small attic you two found yourselves in. "Oh my, that breakfast sausage is not agreeing with me." She accidentally let slip a wince as the noises started to increase in frequency and volume before hurriedly starting off for the small door that led back to the rest of the house.
She stopped, slowly pivoting back towards with with a grin that made you melt in your seat with fear and dread. "You know Thomas, I just had the funniest idea. Why make a dead sprint for the bathroom, getting all up in a tiffy, when I have a perfectly acceptable waste dump right here?" Trish stepped back over to you, roughly tipping your chair over, grinning all the way. "Getting a mouthful of yourself is going to serve you right for getting a stiffy over your own flesh and blood like that mister."
She kicked off her old what used to be white sneakers off, grabbing the loops of her jeans and starting to wrestle with them as all the color drained from your face. "Wait, no it's...you got it all wrong! It was an accident! I didn't even see Lisa down there!"
Trish just scoffed, forcing her pants down over her butt before sliding them down her pale, slick legs. "Now what's the purpose of lying other than just to make me angry?" She shook her head in disappointment before throwing her jeans and panties over her shoes and straddling your tightly bound body. "That's just insane Thomas, and they were fully clothed for Pete's sake. How did you even manage to get a stiffy over that? That's just shameful and proves your right for this job. Now open wide." She slowly squatted, lowering herself down so that your mouth could make acquaintances with the brown storm that was about to erupt from her.
You threw your head to the side, stretching it away while screaming. "No please Trish, don't do this! Dear god please, I know what I did was bad but please please please no!" You twisted and squirmed, but it was no use, she just continued to lower herself onto your screeching, helpless body.
"You know if you don't get this all in your mouth the first time, I'm just going to make you lick up the rest. Tsk tsk." Her cheek started to graze yours, and the sounds started to shift from her stomach to her bottom. You feel the heat already start to consume you, and with it a foul stench like no other. Just as she was about to release hell upon your now sobbing and snivelling form, two hard knocks hit the door leading to where you two were.
"Tom are you up there? I swear to god what are you doing? If you're not dying we're going to make you wish you were, you know that?" Lisa had just saved you, but she didn't even wait for a response before she started to jiggle and push on the door, her voice increasing in frustration as you continued to not answer her. She hated not knowing everything, and this was sure to be a good story as to why her idiot brother is stuck in the attic and screaming his head off. Luckily your captor was smart enough to push a drawer over it as a preventative measure just for that reason.
Trish quickly puckered and stood up straight, again wincing as she forced back whatever she had in store for you. "Hey Lisa! Hold on, and boy do I have a story for you!" With amazing speed, she redressed, save her sneakers, and started to untie you.
In a whisper-like tone, she leaned in and whispered. "I just wanted to see if you'd be an obedient slave, I was never to take a dump on or in you. Sadly, you failed and now Lisa and her friends get the great task of breaking you down to nothing. I simply don't have the time for it." Having that said, she swiftly opened the door and kicked you out, causing you to fall five feet onto your back.
"Hey Lisa, guess what I caught Thomas doing? Staring at you and your friends with a stiffy! I thought the only way to address that issue is to punish him severely so I was starting that process up there. For you guys to come running, well I was doing pretty good huh?"
The three girls stared up at her in shock, back down to you in disgust, and back to her in awe. You merely laid groaning, trying to recover from the fall. "So what do you say girls, are you all on board for giving him hell for the rest of his horrible life?" She jumped down from her perch in the attack, landing her two bare heels, and with them her entire weight, down upon your stomach. You swiftly bounced up before going down for the count, retching and coughing your way into an agonizing state of unconsciousness as the taste of blood filled your mouth.
You awoke in misery, duct taped to the hard and cold concrete at the foot of the tacky green couch, which was pretty much the only thing usually down there besides a fridge, tv, and a pool table. As you tried to blink out the fogginess of sleep and pain, the chatter of Lisa and her friends changed tune when they noticed you were waking up.
"Look it! Look it! Slaveboy is up!" Emily yelled from the end of the couch closest to your face, her mouth full of cookie. Quickly, the other two, Lisa in the middle, and Alison at the far end, jumped to attention, the three of them dropping their feet so that they assailed you from every point. Whoever put the dirty blond haired girl nearest to your face was a maniacal genius, as she was the only girl coming from a sport that evening, so her feet reeked to the high heavens. Eagerly, she massaged her soles along your cheeks and pinched your nose, thoroughly slicking your face with her salty and pungent sweat. Lisa barraged your chest with her heels, bouncing them enthusiastically to the rhythm of your squirming and giggling with Alison, who couldn't do much with your legs other than put pressure on them with her sock clad feet.
"It was so nice of Trish to give us some pointers on what to do with him." One of them pointed out.
"It was even nicer of her to give him to us for the weekend." Another added.
"I can't wait to really break him in, then he'll do whatever we want without all the forcing and restraints." Alison mused, but Lisa interrupted.
"C'mon, restraints aren't that bad, afterall Trish said she'd handle them"
The conversation started to taper off there as they focused their efforts on further humiliating you between munching cookies that Trish had brought them and discussing what was on the TV, however it quickly sparked up on just how they were first going to break you in.