From what he had seen, it seemed like the curse took an immediate effect. His mom was really into fitness and staying healthy before, so he wanted to explore just how much of a teenage boy she had become.
He followed his mom upstairs and knocked on her door.
"Yo, mom!"
He could hear her groaning on the other side. "What do you want, dude?" she responded, very frustrated.
Sensing that he interrupted her during a rather, private moment, he quickly said, "I'ma play some Y-Box. Just join me whenever," and headed back downstairs.
He didn't get any answer this time, but he understood well enough not to bother.
A short moment later, while being intensely focused on his ongoing round, his concentration broke when he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. Someone slapped his shoulders while he was camping. Furious about his losing his ranked because of that, he turned his head to look for the source. It turned out the culprit was his mom who stood behind him, with a shit-eating grin on her face.
"Now, we're even," she announced satisfied.
He stared daggers at her, but she ignored his rage and jumped over the couch to plop herself next to him.
"You ruined my mood, so it's only fair I ruin your score. Besides, you suck balls at this game anyway, so what's the harm in another loss. Now hit me up and let me show you how a real pro plays."
His mom maintained her smile throughout and held her hand up in the air. Mike sighed in defeat and threw the spare controller for her to catch.
She sunk back into the couch and spread her legs wide to make herself comfier.
"Awesome, dude! You ready for another loss?" she challenged him.
"Oh, you're on!" he accepted her challenge vigorously.
After an intense session with many twists and turns, she was the one who turned out victorious in the end.
"Fuck yeah!" she shot up from the couch. "Suck on my fat cock, loser!" she boasted while thrusting her hips in Mike's face.
"That last grenade was some bullshit!" he protested, but that didn't make him less of a salty loser.
"That still doesn't change the fact that I won. But hey, it's just a game. A game that you suck at, but still, just a game."
Seeing his annoyed face, she relented and changed the topic.
"You're such a sore loser, dude. Tell you what, before you ruined my time, I was looking at this girl with the biggest rack you could imagine. Fucking nice pair of tits!"
While she described the treasure she had found, he could spot her pitching a tent. It grew proudly until there was a long, hard rod obviously visible in her pants.
"So how about this? I will share my findings with you, and you will stop being such a crybaby." she proposed.
Mike considered the option and decided to...