The spa resort was the most relaxing day Sonia ever had. There were so many different things done that it made her feel like she was being shaped like clay. When she saw her sister again, Sonia asks, “What time is it? It feels like so little time has passed.” Gloria nods, “Aye.” A door opens and in walks an odd sight. A woman with dark eye shadows, black dyed hair, and a black dress enters, explaining, “It is now 8 in the afternoon. Now it’s time for the final treatment: Manicure, Pedicure, Facial Massage.” She takes Sonia by the hand and states, “My name is Victoria and I will be taking care of Miss Sonia. Mikayla will be taking care of you Miss Gloria.” A blonde bimbo takes Gloria’s hand and takes her down one hallway while the goth girl takes Sonia down another. Here, Victoria gives to Sonia a matching pair of bright red nails on her fingers and toes. Victoria bluntly asks, “So why do you hate your sister?” Sonia is surprised by this and asks, “Why do you say that?” Victoria explains, “It’s simple. I can tell things about people, especially sisters. And frankly your sister is very oblivious to the glares you give her.” Sonia vents, “The woman’s a punta! First, she uses my first ticket out of Columbia to come to America, then, she marries Jay, a man who said at their son’s christening that he originally wanted to ask ME out instead of the bruja, and to top it all off when I try to kiss Jay she finds out from that unholy baby monitor!” Victoria clarifies, “So you’re unhappy because she’s living the life you want? And also, you try to kiss her husband and she still takes you here?” Sonia clarifies, “Gloria’s son from her first marriage, Manny, got this for us.” Victoria looks away from Sonia, “I can help.”