With a grunt, Karen heaved her jiggling body off the floor and groaned. She was officially fat, scratching obese; her tummy wobbled with each breath, pink and nearing the size of a medicine ball. Her butt was second in size, most of her ass' flesh oozing out the top of her panties (they looked more like a thong!). Her breasts were one large inhale from bursting out of her bra. Even her arms had a layer of fluff on them. She wiped drool off her plump lips, and stood still, afraid of losing balance.
"K-Karen?" Lily managed, peeking through the door. It was enough to put her in "deer-in-headlights" mode. "G-Go away! Stop Huuuurp! looking at me!" she squealed, speed-waddling out the door. I have to run, I have to get away from peo-
The smell hit her again, and she felt herself blacking out. No, no! She struggled a moment, but inevitably, her hunger won. She started grabbing entrees left and right, with the expression of a starved wolf; the customers, unsure what to do, ended up quickly leaving.
Meat! She gobbled hamburgers nearly whole, cleaned racks of ribs in moments, her belly stretching to accommodate. She moved like she were an olympian, but her body looked clearly sore, bloated and swollen.
Soda! Glass by glass she slurped, gas bubbles forming in her active tummy. Her belches felt like hurricanes!
Fries! Munching fistful by fistful, her tummy began reaching the bottom-half of her thighs as she stood. Finally, her primal side seemed to be satisfied; she hungrily licked her fat lips and sat in a chair, massaging her belly folds. Her piggy Hulk-out was over nearly as fast as it started, and she "awoke" to an even bigger, stretched body.
Bhhrrraaaaaaap! "Ow, ow, oh, geez, my belly hurts, oh, ow..." she chanted to herself.
Phhhbbrraaaap! A blast of gas burst from her backside. "Oh, no, not that now, too!" she whined.