It was a cool summers day when you stopped into the Starbuck's blocks from your house. Against your better and despite your conflicting emotions, you had decided to go for a jog. You soon realized you were more out of shape than you had initially assumed and stopped in the Starbuck's for some water and maybe a snack. Striding to a table, you turned a few young men's heads. Your tanned skin glistened with sweat, causing the blue spaghetti strap top cling to your slender torso and reveal your sports bra. However, since your breasts were on the small side, you assumed the attention was for your ass. Bigger than expected on such a slim girl, it was displayed magnificently in your charcoal yoga pants.
Sitting, you began to people watch while you composed yourself. Most were young hipsters, a business man, a couple that seemed to be catching up after a long break, and lone girl in the corner. The girl drew your attention. She was cute. Her had blonde hair was tucked in a pony tail,showing her full, round face. She was a tad bit chubby, most of the weight on her thick pot belly and round ass you assumed since she didn't have much more boob than you.This reminded you of your internal debate. Why were you out jogging? You hated jogging. Not to mention the main reason. You had recently come to terms with the idea that you were attracted to fat girls, but if you liked fat girls, could you be one? Seeing this chubby girl made you begin to wonder . . .
Your thoughts were interrupted, however, before you got fair as a gorgeous red head entered the shop. She was tall thank to her four inch black stilettos, her long legs and curvy hips contained by a tight black business skirt. She wore a scarlet blouse that complemented her fiery red hair. Several of the buttons were undone, revealing a glorious amount of cleavage produced by her DD cups being crammed into a lacy black bra. You were transfixed, practically drooling. You managed to control yourself when you noticed people were starting to stare at you stare.
Man, if only i had tits like that, you thought sadly. Hardly a moment before you felt a warm feeling in your chest. Glancing down, you gasped a the sight of your sweat soaked and tight sure stretching as your breasts swelled larger. Second later, they stopped at what you knew were DD's. Turning to the red head, you saw that she now had your measly B cups, her shirt hanging limp. No one had seemed to notice, not even her as she seemed transfixed by the menu.
Deciding to test, you focused her getting her breasts back. Quickly, yours shrank to normal while her grew to normal just as she looked down. This is so cool, you thought. But did they were they just not paying attention?
Experimenting more, you turned to the chubby girl. She was sadly fidgeting with her shirt that kept riding up and exposeing her belly. Figuring that'd be a good test for many reasons, you focus on taking her belly and watch as it shrinks away. The girl gasped and grabbed at her slim waist in shock. She noticed, you giggled. Turning your attention to yourself, you attempted to pull your shirt over your now plush tummy. however, it was to no avail. You seemed to have gained roughly 20 pounds. It wasn't so bad, but this wasn't the time or place. A little guiltily you looked up to return the girl's belly and were surprised to find her gone.
What will I do now? you began to panic when another idea approached you. Turning to the red head making her order, you focus on giving her the belly fat an d believing that she had always head it.
Did it work?