Rainbow Dash moved her cloud directly above the Ponyville library, waiting for it to empty. After Spike and Twilight left, Rainbow Dash was delighted to notice they left the door unlocked. She entered the library and directly high tailed it to the magic section.
She read the titles on most of the books, noticing several with obscure subject matter such as Magical Alternatives to Juggling or The Unicorn's Guide to Checkers: It's Only Cheating If You Get Caught. "If they have entire books about stuff like that, somepony somewhere has to have written a fart spell," Rainbow thought. Towards the bottom of the shelf, she noticed a yellow book with a dusty spine. Blowing the dust away, she noticed the bold red font on the spine that read 50 MAGICAL PRANKS.
Rainbow Dash got a good feeling about the book. Glancing at the table of contents, she saw a lot of classic practical jokes with a magical twist, including ones similar to the ones she pulled with Pinkie, such as making regular ink temporarily disappear. She smiled as she read the list of pranks in the book. Unfortunately, however, it didn't seem to have anything related to farts. Then she noticed the table of contents was continued on the next page. She flipped the page and right at the very end, she was grinning widely when she read "Magical Flatulence: Why Settle For A Whoopee Cushion?"
Rainbow Dash did not hesitate for a second. She quickly turned to the page as fast as she could and read on. From the description, the spell could make its target even gassier than Rainbow Dash imagined. The author included a story in which it caused one pony who hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary to experience its effects for several consecutive hours, producing extraordinary farts every other minute! "That settles it. Twilight is casting this spell on me and Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash thought to herself.
"Twilight would never cast something like that. I'd have to trick her into it somehow. Maybe if I replace the instructions to a spell she's trying to learn with the ones from this... or maybe if I -- " her train of thought was interrupted when the door flew open and in walked Spike and Twilight with pastries from Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow Dash nervously gulped. If she saw the spellbook, she'd recognize the instructions so switching it wouldn't work. It was the only way Rainbow Dash could think to do it, however, so she quickly shut the book and put it back on the shelf.
"Rainbow Dash! What are you doing here?" Twilight Sparkle called, slightly startled. Regaining her composure, she further queried, "And what book is that? I can't imagine what you'd want to read in the magic section..."
"I was just... uh..." came Rainbow Dash's nervous attempt at an explanation. But she couldn't think of one. Twilight started walking closer to the shelf. Rainbow Dash couldn't have Twilight seeing the book! "Uh I was just leaving, I'll catch you later," she said, starting to fly. Rather than flying out the door, however, she deliberately flew into the shelf, sending it and all the books on it crashing to the floor with a heavy {b]THUD! "Oops that wasn't the door! Clumsy me!" She apologized in a nervous tone.
Twilight Sparkle gave her a blank stare as she stood back up from the crash. "How naive do you think I am?" she flatly asked. "Don't you think telling me the truth of what's going on would be a lot easier than sneaking in here, lying to my face, and then filling Pinkie Pie in on your harebrained scheme?"
"...What did Pinkie Pie tell you?" Rainbow Dash sighed, annoyed. How much did she blab?
"She just told me you two are planning something that involves me. She didn't go into the details, though. So, what, may I ask, warrants all this secrecy?"
"How can I put this in a way you will understand?" she thought aloud. "Pinkie Pie and I have a certain... 'interest'," Rainbow Dash began, standing up. Twilight Sparkle cast a spell to lift the bookshelf and began putting books back on the shelf. "This interest of ours is something we think would be even better with magic. But we don't think you'd be into it at all. So I figured the only way we could get help from the best spellcaster in Equestria was to well... trick her into it."
Twilight blushed. "Thank you for the compliment, but you being really vague. What is this interest and what makes you think I'd dislike it so much that I'd refuse to help?"
Rainbow took a deep breath and uttered her one word answer. "Farting."
"...What?" Twilight tilted her head in confusion.
"Pinkie Pie and I love farting," Rainbow Dash reiterated. "We joke about it and have farting contests all the time. We figured that someone like you would think it's weird or gross so we didn't wanna just ask if you could cast a spell to make us really gassy!"
"I'll be honest. I don't understand why someone would think that's so fascinating, but I guess my interest in learning new magic and your interest in... that overlap here." Twilight answered.
"Is this going where I think it's going?" Rainbow Dash asked, picking up on the accommodating tone of Twilight's voice.
"Something I've learned about being a friend is not judging my friends for their interests," Twilight elaborated. "I may think your interest in... that is weird but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of things about me that you'd find weird, so who am I to judge?" She paused, then summarized, "If you two want me to cast that spell, I will. On one condition: just don't, ahem... do that... near me. Deal?"
"Deal!" Rainbow Dash answered without thinking. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Pinkie Pie! Thanks, Twilight, you don't know how much this means to both of us!"
Rainbow Dash sped off, finishing her weather duties for the day as she flew a few celebratory laps around Ponyville. She landed again in front of Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie was leaving the store after her shift ended. Rainbow Dash filled Pinkie Pie in on her deal with Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie was overjoyed, even by Pinkie standards. The duo rushed back to the library as fast as they could.
Twilight was reading the book at her desk when the two walked in. "Oh, hey, girls, come on in, I think I just about have this spell down," she answered. "You know this spell is simple yet it combines elements from other spells in rather creative ways that -- oh if only you understood magic you'd know what I mean."
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stood side by side as Twilight Sparkle cast the spell on them. Soon after, Rainbow Dash felt like she was about to explode! "Did it work?" Twilight asked, seeing Rainbow wince in pain.
"Ugh... yeah! There's definitely a lot of gas in there, alright!" she choked out, doing the best she could to hold it in to stay true to her deal.
"Yeah!" Pinkie grunted, "I never thought anypony could be this gassy, even with magic!"
Rainbow Dash contemplated their next move. She could either go back on her word and experience instant relief from the painful gas there or she could stay true to her word and let it build up even more while the two go somewhere else. Decisions, decisions.