"Please, we're the only ones who can help!" you yell.
Sapphire looked down and assessed the situation. "There's one thing we could do. I can just try to scare them away. Hold on I'm going down,"Sapphire says to you. She makes a step dive over the bands of men and roars as she spews out flames. About twenty of them were incinerated while others start to retreat out of the valley from where the village is. Sapphire swooped back up to make another pass at the bandits. The men tried to attack your dragon with spears and arrows, but her strong scales repelled the flying weapons. After the men saw their partners burned to death and realized they couldn't kill her, the rest of the men joined the others who had fled.
"There on the run Sapphire! You did it!" you say with glee.
"it's a good thing this didn't take to long. I was getting tired," Sapphire says.
You look down at the villagers who are waving at you with smiles. Then you continue on your quest. You fly over beautiful land below. The tops of trees make picturesque forest canopies as you see birds flying above them. Soon you find yourself soaring above majestic mountains together with deep canyons. You make out rivers that run through them that pour into shimmering waterfalls. Ahead of you a city outskirt comes into view.
"That is the city of Bain, where many travelers pass through every day. Nethaal lives in one of the forest temples in the Western highlands. Most of them are very remote. There are a collection of people called The Order of The Twilight. They have more knowledge of the secret places of Krix. You'll find them in the Central Cathedral in the city square. I'll stay out of sight in the border of Bain while you go to the Cathedral. It is along way to the square, so you'll need to rent a horse, " Sapphire says.
Your dragon lands just outside the city border. "I'll be back as soon as I can," you say. You make your way through the city entrance into a crowd of people bustling about. You immediately see a horse stall and pay an overweight stout man with a white beard. "You can have five hours with her. She's a top the line breed. None faster or smoother riding, " the man says.
Just as you are about to mount the horse, you see a man with malevolent eyes staring at you from about seven yards away. The look on his face was cold and austere. After a few moments he started walk away slowly as if he were waiting for you to follow.
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