Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1864344-The-Body-Rebellion
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Supernatural · #1864344
Bodies have a life of their own and decide to rebel against their heads

Bodies have a life of their own and decide to rebel against their heads

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Now with over 60,000 views and over 1,000 chapters!

You are an 18 year old boy. You have a normal life, a beautiful girlfriend and play in a band

One day, Bodies all over the world decide to rebel against their heads.
Examples of these rebellions could be: Swapping heads, leaving their heads behind and going off on their own, Carrying their heads around e.g. under their arms, in a bag etc.
When heads are swapped, heads can control their new bodies until the next rebellion.
These rebellions can happen at any time, anywhere and more than once (but don't overuse it)
The rebellions don't have to be syncronised around the world. For example: It could effect an area of a city then effect another area of the same city a few hours later

-Sex is okay as long as it's not too graphic
- The rebellion affects HUMANS ONLY. NO ANIMALS
- No killing.
- All chapters must be at least one paragraph long. (UPDATE: Chapters must also be at least 40 words long)
- I have the right to remove chapters if i don't like them, they ignore the above rules or if grammer/spelling is unreadable
- Please avoid references to pre-existing worlds/franchises. This includes Anime, Comics/Graphic novels, Video Games, TV shows etc. This isn't a fan-fiction story, after all.
- Only bodies have the ability to detach or reattach heads. The only exception is if there is a special ability that allows a head to detach themselves from their current body.

- I will not accept lazy chapters (e.g. "What happens next?").
- If a chapter has a few grammer/ spelling mistakes, or if the content of a chapter slightly disobeys the above rules but doesn't compromise the chapter's overall intent, I will edit them.

- There has been a significant increase in new chapters for this story recently, and I'd like to thank all of the writers that have contributed to my story. However, while there have been some really enjoyable chapters, there have also been plenty of lazy, mediocre and just poorly written chapters. I haven't had a chance to go through them all, but I am going to start removing chapters that I don't like or that I think have drifted too far from the original idea behind this story. I apologize in advance to the writer/writers who's chapters I will be removing. Please don't take offence.

- I've noticed that several chapters involve the heads voluntarily detaching themselves from bodies and placing other heads on. I wondered why this was happening, since I intended for only bodies to have the ability to detach and reattach heads. I soon realised that I hadn't explained properly in the rules, so that was my fault. From now on, only bodies have the ability to remove and attach heads, unless there's a special ability that allows the head to do so too I will try not to remove the existing chapters that have allowed heads to detach themselves, since that would be unfair. I will update the rules section for this update.

- I have clearly stated in the Rules section that chapters must be at least one paragraph long. However, it has come to my attention that some contributors are exploiting this rule, by making really short paragraphs, or just blatantly ignoring it by making chapters that are one sentence long. Some of which are less than 10 words long. I have let this slide for a while, but I've grown tired of it. From now on, all chapters must have at least 40 words or more. Any chapters with less will automatically be removed, regardless of content.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1864344-The-Body-Rebellion