*But, on who can I count to help me with this task? Hmmm... I could try to ask Twilight and/or Cadence for help. And if we cook her, perhaps we could share her. But, while Cadence may be easier to convince, Twilight is so loyal to Tia... Will she aid me?*, thought the moon princess.
She was worried that Twilight not only may not help her. But that she'll try to stop her. If she does, then...
*I'd have to eat her too.*, thought Luna, sadly.
Luna didn't liked to consider that option. One, because, noe that Twilight was the Alicorn of Magic, if they were to engage in a serious combat, then there is a high chance that Luna might lose. For, while she herself was more powerful than Celestia, Twilight could surpass BOTH of them COMBINED if she wanted to. Especially after Tireks' incident. And two, and more importantly, she really wanted Twilight to say yes. Because, what no one knew, was that, ever since her first nightmare night since her return, or perhaps even before that, when she, along with the other element bearers rescued her from Nightmare Moon, she had been in love with the purple mare. She hadn't acted on it because of the diferences of their life spans. But now, Twilight was an Alicorn. Thus, like her, she would live forever. She wished that she and Twilight could one day rule Equestria as a couple. She wanted for them to be together more than anything else.
*But, I'll have to risk it. If everything goes right, then my wish may come true. If I don't at least try, then I'll never know what could have happened. After all, it's better to try and fail, than not trying at all.*
With her mind set, she opened the windows of her balcony and took off to Ponyville. Where Equestria's newest princess resided.