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by Iji
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1857017
Your run of good luck ends when your Girlfriend accidentally causes you to shrink.

Your run of good luck ends when your Girlfriend accidentally causes you to shrink.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Hey gts community. My last story was very short and kind of hard to write. I didn't want it to be too personal but at the same time, I kind of did. So, I'm just scrapping that and starting a new one. This one is tailored to fit the community. If you have ideas or themes you would like to see here, either post a chapter or mail me the suggestion. I'll try to incorporate a little something for everyone.


You live with your older sister Kelly (borrowed name :) ), your half-sister Andrea, and your step-mother Samantha. Your mom died at childbirth with you and your dad passed away about five years ago. You were scrawny and geeky most of your life. That is, until last summer. You started working out real hard with p90x, and now sport a nice sixpack and a tan. It's still a little overwhelming how different girls treat you now. Speaking of which, you now have your first serious relationship. She had always been out of your league, but you two have been together since she asked you out three months ago. You're doing great in school, becoming really popular and things are really just looking up for you.

Lets meet some of these characters.

You -
17 years old. You are a senior in highschool this year. Your 6'1'', have pecs, abs and everything else. You may not be a model, but you're now one of the better looking guys in school. Not that you have an ego, you've just noticed that most every girl you walk by tends to stare. Pretty nice, right?

Kelly - http://i809.photobucket.com/albums/zz15/qsz06/DSCF1041.jpg
20 years old. She still lives at home, working part time while going to college. She's always babied you and you're very close with one another. Lately you don't see much of each other, but you still remember her being one of your closest friends when you two were younger.

Andrea - http://static.tumblr.com/yluujpm/SJaly562l/415536_2921054066734_1272293542_33138...
15 years old. She's immature and kind of a bitch. Instead of tantrums, she now just likes to scream at you and keep her door locked at all times. You would call it a phase, but she's been like this for as long as you've known her. She also has massive Polly Pocket collection. What 15yr old girl still plays with dolls? She's into Britney Spears and Lady Gaga, as she blasts their CDs all day long.

Samantha - http://allkindsofpretty.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/IMG_3932.jpg
35 years old. She's pretty, you guess. She doesn't really talk to you nor your sister Kelly. She opens up to Andrea, though. It's not like she's an evil step-mother or anything. She's just very vacant. She works at home designing websites. She's very focused on whatever she's doing, whenever she's doing it, but also tends to drift off when she's not trying to complete some task. Often, you'll call her names several times for something, only just to give up and go do it yourself.

Katie - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7MZXoQ-8IN8/TfPem8kTbYI/AAAAAAAAAiE/r6N9cXCGLRQ/s1600/...
17 years old. Your girlfriend. You think she's beautiful. She's 5'6''. 7 inches shorter than you. You tease her about her height sometimes, and so she bought a pair of 6'' heels. You brag that you're still taller even then. She says she's in love with you. You haven't said it back yet though. She can be a ditz and times and seems pretty superficial. You wonder if she only likes you for your body. She's very handsy, but then again, it might just be that you're not used to being a magnet for affection.

Kim - http://kmeyerphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/sizinup.jpg
16 years old. You girlfriend's sister. She thinks of herself as a hipster. Whatever that means. She wears thick black glasses and has a nosering. She goes out of her way to spend time with you. You told you that she was in love with you the first day you met her. She's forthcoming in her affection, and it often causes her to fight with her sister. She is a huge nerd,and it sometimes gets weird when you catch her gawking at you. She would have been more your type were she not so annoying with her advances.

I'll add more characters as they are introduced. Some may not get a description, but recurring characters will.

1) No one-line chapters. You don't have to be a good writer. I'm not. Just advance the story from where it was.
2) Guys are not off-limits, but I will not be writing any in. If you want to see some Giant action, there are plenty of other interactives. Or, you could just write the chapter yourself. I won't delete them, but I'm not going to introduce them either (unless it's a high request.)
3) No size changing. I like people to have perspective.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1857017-Just-When-Things-Were-Looking-Up