Chapter #7Arrival of Arisa the studious by: Trampltrum  "You should not fidget Arisa, its not very becoming", at the sound of the soft but firm tone the prospective student lowered her hands, "Sorry mum, I'm just really nervous".
At that, the smartly dressed woman reached into her substantial purse, pulled out a bar (well, more a slab) of chocolate and handed it to her daughter, "Here, it will help". Taking in her mother's smile, the anxious young woman took the bar, peeled back the wrapper and proceeded to eat it quickly but with a dainty touch. To any onlookers, the girl eating the bar certainly did not need it.
Arisa was a pretty big girl. Her big blobby gut bounced up and down to the rhythm of her chewing, spherical cheeks inflated even further than normal with their cargo while her bloated legs kicked back and forth in delight. Finishing her bar in record time, Arisa stared up again, sitting in the chair opposite her in the waiting room was a thin blonde girl, her face contorted into a mix of disgust and horror. Arisa, oblivious to the girls feelings, simply smiled and waved at her, her fat arms shaking like jello. Unfortunately this exposed the chocolate now staining her hands and around her light-bronze cheeks, the blonde's face grew even more contorted. Sensing her attempts at making a friend here was not going according to plan, Arisa meekly shrunk her hand back down to the side of her spherical gut.
"Arisa Boonliang Spencer?" a voice called out, the owner was a lower-middle-aged woman with platinum blonde hair dressed in a butter yellow jacket marked with a bumblebee. Rising at the calling of her daughters name, the well-dressed woman turned to her spherical progeny,
"Come on sweetie, let's show them what you are made of". Taking Arisa's hand in her own, she helped her off of the chair, a mild shockwave ran through the room as she landed with a little too much force.
"Please, make yourselves at home" the platinum-haired woman gestured towards the middle of an auditorium, throwing one arm wide towards a set of chairs infront of a wide desk. As the pair sat, the woman took her seat behind the temporary structure. "I am Ms. Polluck, or Headmistress Polluck. You are Mrs Spencer I hope?"
"Boonliang-Spencer, Kritsana Boonliang-Spencer" Arisa's mother cut the headmistress off, "I did not take my husband's name for it to be a one-way street. I took his, he took mine you see"
"I see..." Ms. Polluck acknowledged, slightly taken aback by the pencil-skirted woman's sharp attitude. Looking at the pair, Ms Polluck thought they were a bit of an odd couple. While Mrs Spencer was thin, confident, very well dressed, perfectly manicured nails, uniform-level straight hair, with her chin raised high and slightly looking down on Ms. Polluck, Arisa was quite different. Sure both had light-bronze skin, long black hair that seemed to reach the bottom of their respective backs and had strong eastern heritage.
But Arisa was rather meek, squirming slightly in her seat. She also had rather un-brushed hair, split ends abound at the tip, her nails were plain and her clothes; while smart were a bit ill-fitting and dull in color. Her figure was also drastically different. While her mother was thin, Arisa was rather...spherical, her body looked like it was not quite used to being fat, giving her a rather inflated look; her belly sat on her lap straining her button-up top and grey vest like she had swallowed a beach ball, her cheeks looked like she was smuggling golf balls and her arms and legs looked like sausages in a too-small casing, her plump little fingers turning each other over and over.
"Arisa" Mrs Spencer sighed, rummaging through her purse again before pulling out another treat, a twinkie this time, and handing it to the overstuffed girl.
"God no wonder she was so huge" Ms. Polluck thought to herself. "Uh, sorry. Where was I...? Ah yes, It is an absolute honor to have a woman of your stature entering her daughter into our fine academy. And with nothing more than her own grades too, normally someone of your wealth would donate a huge sum, or fund a whole wing of the building" Ms Polluck sighed a little at the last part, she would not have minded balancing the books with another favor to a rich businesswoman.
Coddling her round offspring, Mrs Spencer applauded her daughter, "See? I told you could do it", Arisa's cheeks went from bronze to brass colored, as she finished her treat. "Yes my daughter could have anything in life handed to her on a silver plate. But I saw to make sure she did not turn into some layabout with no sense of drive! I made sure Arisa grew up with only affection and good role models, nothing can substitute for building good character like those". Mrs Spencer sure was good at speeches, Ms. Polluck thought to herself. But judging from her daughter's size and how much attention she gave her, she might have gone overboard on some areas.
"Well you have raised an outstanding daughter Mrs Boonliang Spencer, she has aced every test we could give her, her previous schooling has commented that they rang out of things to teach her by her second year, your Business Studies grades are beyond almost anyone I have ever seen an honor roll student. We would be thrilled to have you on board Arisa" turning her attention to the blushing prospective student, Ms. Polluck gave her warmest smile.
"*Ulp*, thank you Ma'm" she stuttered, her throat opening and closing like a Sea Bass's.
"Well done Arisa!" Mrs Spencer nearly jumped her daughter, dropping her more statuesque pose in favor of burying her daughter in kisses and general affection, "I could not be more proud, and you should be too! This is all under your own effort! Tonight, your father and I are going to cook you the best leaving meal you could ask for!"
It was a few days later, and Arisa, massive black suitcase in-tow, was standing outside a massive building. It looked to her like some magical castle (aided by the fact it was in the mountains), she craned her neck to look at the top of the spires, her mouth wide with awe.
"Now, I got you some snacks. I have written down my number, your fathers, our butler's and both our neighbors just in case. I had your new uniform pressed and ironed several times...." Mrs Spencer went on like that for several more minutes before breathing in and out sharply. "Have a great time, Arisa, I love you"
Arisa waddled back to her, "Love you too mom. But I got to find my dorm. Welcoming isn't for three hours and I cannot be late". As Arisa stood panicking about her potential tardiness, she did not notice that barely any of her potential classmates had arrived yet.
"A-099, A-099" Arisa repeated it like a mantra to herself as she tottered around the hallways, searching for her new room.
"Aha!" she cried to herself as she found her room, using the keycard she had got from the front-desk, she pushed her new room's door open carefully and looked inside. It was big, really really big, for the second time today, Arisa was left agape.
The place was massive, sure her place was huge too, but she had not expected this from a school. It had a high ceiling, with pristine cream walls, a loveseat and television, a whole kitchen area and several sets of doors that must have lead to the bathroom and bedrooms for her and her roommate.
Arisa was right-handed, so she too the room on her right. Pushing the door open, she gazed at the plush bed and interior decor. Arisa was never one for home-economics, but she did find the room very visually pleasing to her. Setting her massive suitcase to one side (Thank god for wheeled suitcases), she sat her overfed rump onto the bed, sinking generously, and opened the bad of *snacks* her mother had packed.
Her next few hours consisted of Arisa emptying the contents of her suitcase into her new wardrobe, whilst satiating herself on her mother's last farewell treats. On finishing, Arisa noticed she still had over an hour and a half left to kill before the welcoming speech. | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |