Lunch turned to afternoon snack, afternoon snack turned into supper, supper to dinner, dinner to dessert, dessert to munchies. Finally, after being kicked out of the dining hall at 10PM, the new roomies ever so slowly made their way to the room. Hannah was footsore, armsore, and in shock, having done her very best to make sure Mel was surrounded by mountains of food all the time. Never in her life had she seen someone eat like Melanie Carlyle. If this continued, Hannah would have to re-estimate the possibilities for this semester. The prospect excited her and pre-emptively exhausted her.
Slowly, complainingly, Mel followed her roommate. It had taken almost 20 minutes to haul her bloated gut back to the room. Stuffed like she never had been in a good long while, every step was a gigantic effort of will, but GOD was it worth it. For Mel’s part, she had never had someone so industriously attending to her gastronomic needs as Hannah did this evening. Grinning inwardly, Mel guessed that if this kept up, she’d not be able to fit through the door soon enough, a thought that, despite the mountain of food gorged inside her massive stomach, made her lick her lips hungrily. Her tanktop had long since been pushed into nothing but a glorified bra and so all of her gigantically superswollen and overstuffed gut was on proud display. Massively bloated even beyond its great size, it was truly a magnificent monument to her gluttony. Hiccuping happily, Mel stretched her arms above her head and arched her back, stiff from hours of stuffing her face, physically feeling her glut churn inside her gut. Collapsing on the overtaxed couch with a slosh, Mel perched her hands atop her mammoth belly, she grinned slightly dazedly at Hannah: “HIC..oh mannn, now THAT’S what I call a good...HIC...welcome back.” She gave her superswollen belly a few proud pats and continued thickly: “URP...oh how I’ve missed...HIC...this place. I’m glad I was able to...HIC...sample everything they had to offer...HIC...”
Hannah was flopped tiredly on the other couch just staring at Mel’s massively blubbery paunch: “Mel, you ‘sampled’ everything more times than I can count.” She grinned, “but I’m happy you had a good time.”
“ bet I did. My stomach is nice and happy...HICC...thanks in no small you, Hanners. Ugh if you keep...HIC...doing this to me I think I’ll have to ROLL to class...HIC.” Both girls looked at each other and started giggling, Mel’s body wobbling like crazy. “Now, a dear and maybe phone some take-out...HIC...?” Mel jiggled her glutted gut a little: “I think...HIC...I have a little room left...HIC”
Hannah just stared: “How could you possibly still eat...”
“I ALWAYS can matter the time, place, or what I’ve eaten before...HIC.” Mel fiendishly grinned, “I consider it a...HIC...special talent of mine...HIC. Besides, they kicked us out before midnight...HIC...snack!” Mel pouted sadly and went back to happily rubbing her stomach. Hannah, for her part called up every take out place she had on her phone, thanking her lucky stars she was finally given someone so completely worthy of her talents....
By the final end of the night, Mel was surrounded by take-out boxes and completely incapacitated by stuffing herself. Groaning with pleasure and pressure, Mel rubbed the flanks of her massive gut in slow, relaxing circles. Barely awake, she managed to smile gratefully at the dozing Hannah: “HICCC...oh YES, THAT hit the spot...HICCC. Hanners, I think...HIC...this is the start of something wonderful...HICCCughhhhh.” Hannah couldn’t agree more.