Jordan swings at Kyle, but Kyle just catches his fist and bends Jordan's hand back breaking his wrists. Jordan cries out and Kyle takes the second distraction to give Jordan a jaw breaking hook. Jordan's jaw crunches under the force of Kyle's fist and is out like a light. The sudden show of machismo makes Sasha want to ravishingly fuck Kyle she takes off her cloths and
KNOCK KNOCK, "Kyle time to get up." It's your wife Sasha, same girl, and she comes in to give you a morning kiss, you have been married for a couple of years now and that event actually happened and ended with you two fucking all night long. You sit up, "Hey babe." Sasha, "You sleep well." Kyle, "Yeah just dreaming of the night I beat up Jordan and won you love." Sasha looks at you, "Where did I wake you?" Kyle, "right at the moment you stripped I was taking you into your room about to have sex and wham, woken up." Sasha, "I'm sorry, you wanna fuck me in an 'I'm sorry for waking you before sex in a sex dream' sex?" Kyle, "yeah babe." She comes over and begins kissing you as she strips, she begins to mount you
KNOCK KNOCK, "Kyle get the fuck up I need to talk to you."
Kyle gets up, a damn sex dream inside of a sex dream. sex-dreamception. Kyle gets up and walks over to kiss Sasha, "Hey babe you wouldn't believe the dream I had." Sasha, "Oh what was that?" she said, defensively. Kyle, "so it was the night I beat up Jordan and won you love." Sasha's tone left, "Oh" Kyle, "Yeah, so I was about to have sex with you, when you woke me but it was a dream inside a dream and as you woke me I told you of the dream and we were about to have sex when you woke me." Sasha, "So you looking for 'I'm sorry for waking you before 'I'm sorry for waking you before sex in a sex dream' sex in a sex dream' sex?" Kyle, "if you want?" Sasha, "Maybe, since you did remember the anniversary of when you proposed which was exact a year before the day we married therefore, you remembered our anniversary." Kyle, "Of course I'm going to take you out to dinner and since I never seem to get you the right gifts for anything, I'll let you pick out your gift. Why are you looking at me that way, I really did remember." Sasha, "Oh really and do you have reservations or any kind of proof that you remembered?" Kyle, "Yep." pulling out the reservation. Sasha sigh in relief and they in fact did have sex."