It was the afternoon, the sun high in the sky as it shone down upon the world. The grass blew quietly as calm winds blew. And somewhere between the trees and everything, an enormous mansion stood, practically the size of a neighborhood.... It's lights were off, as it's owner was getting her beauty sleep...
The owner was a girl named Reese. Reese was once a submissive girl, quiet, and quite willing for things. But soon, she changed as she grew up, becoming more territorial, and all around dominative. Soon, the girls appetite and power heightened, as she began to pack in the pounds and the money. Eventually with a network working for her, she went to a private home hidden from most civilization. There, she fed all day and fucked herself.
The network expanded privately, and soon, specially picked submissives were shipped to Reese, where she simply fucked them and fed them, and had them obtain to all her needs....
And now Reese was in the mansion, sleeping away. Inside her massive room, sat the 800 pound beauty, snoring away, and as naked as the day she was born. A giant, 18 inch, non erect cock stood on the girl, hair covered her body, her balls were bushy, she was covered in stains, her ass had probably not been cleaned in years, and overall, her life was great!