"First, we will be taking you to the incontinence hall." is all you hear before freaking out. "No, no! I'm not some little baby, and I don't need you be in a daycare!" you cry, trying to wrench your arm free. You exhaust yourself, and become docile. You allow yourself to be lead to the *gulp* incontinence hall. "Now, honey, since you will become infantile and innocent while you are here for the next few months, you will need to be treated as such." the nurse/ daycare worker says. She holds up an adult diaper and onesie. You feel like you are about to faint, but grab the counter. You are lifted onto an examining table, the kind at doctor's offices. "This will pinch just a bit." she warns, as she flips on a ray. You pass out from the strong effects. You come to a bit later, and find you are dressed in the onesie and diaper. You see the woman, and ask her what happened. "Well, Kim, that big machine took away your potty training. Now, it's time to take you to the vocabulary hall." she says sweetly, as if talking to a small child. You gasp in horror, and briefly back out again. When you come to, you realize you've lost your adult vocabulary. You cry out in distress. "Oh, I know, sweetheart. We're almost done, and then your mommy is going to be picking you up." your nurse says, as she carries you to the motoring hall. You are stripped of your motor skills, left with the physical and mental capacity of an infant. You begin to cry, and are given a pacifier. You suck on it, out of instinct. You are carried out to the main lobby, and your mom walks in. "There's mommy's sweet baby Kimmy!" she coos excitedly. You see her, and just suck more aggressively on your paci. You are handed to your mom, and she carries you out to the car. "Mommy has a surprise for you." she coos, strapping you into a large carseat. It is pink and white, with flowers and butterflies. You are interested when you hear the word surprise, and look at your mom. She fishes in her purse, and pulls out an adorable, fluffy plush puppy. It is caramel brown, with big brown eyes, and a lilac ribbon on it's neck. You look at it, and hug it. Your mom smiles, and gets into the car, and drives home. She pulls up in the driveway, and carries you inside. She opens your bedroom door to reveal...