Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1852029-A-Day-At-The-Pond---Chapter-2---Romance
Rated: E · Interactive · Romance/Love · #1852029
A chapter for the Talent Pond interactive contest, A Day at the Pond - Romance

A chapter for the Talent Pond interactive contest, A Day at the Pond - Romance

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
As I listened carefully, I could hear the faint sound of someone singing. This was coming from the other side of the pond and I walked round to find a young woman, probably in her early twenties, gazing fixedly over the pond and singing to herself, a soft but rather plaintive sound. She was medium height, dressed in a long sleeved white blouse, jeans and sneakers, with a mop of curly black hair. I coughed as I approached so as not to startle her; she looked up and stared at me with a pair of the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen.

"Oh. hi," she said, "I thought I was all alone."

"Sorry to disturb you," I replied, "but I've only recently moved here from the big city, and I'm just exploring the neighbourhood."

She favoured me with a bright, welcoming smile and said, "This is a lovely place to just come and contemplate - I come here quite often, but I rarely see anyone else."

"Sorry again," I replied, "I'll leave if I'm interrupting your solitude."

"Oh no," she replied, "it's nice to have someone to talk to, and I'm a bit short of friends at the moment."

I was captivated by this young woman and her lovely smile, and suggested that we might sit on one of the benches around the pond for a chat. She agreed, and told me that her name was Mandy Benton. "Danny Mitchell," I introduced myself and she smiled that captivating smile again.

"So tell me, Mandy, what is there to contemplate on this fine spring morning?"

A shadow passed over her face. "Oh, I don't want to burden you with my problems, seeing as we've only just met."

"Hmm, well, don't worry too much about that - I'm a pretty good listener," I replied

"It's my usual story - boy friend problems. I have some pretty clear ideas about relationships, and I can't seem to find someone who agrees with me. Most of the guys I meet seem to only have one thing on their mind," and she stared at me as if she was cross-examining me.

"I think I might be able to relate with that. I left the big city because I wanted to get married, but my girlfriend wasn't interested," I sighed

Mandy cocked her head to one side and looked at me quizzically. "Well, well, it seems that we have something in common, doesn't it? We're both looking for something more genuine, more reliable. Quite a coincidence that we should meet here, although I don't really believe in coincidence. Perhaps it's fate," and she laughed provocatively.

By this stage, my attention was drawn to something else, "Mandy, I've got the strangest feeling that I've seen you somewhere before," I said

"Not a very original pick-up line, Danny", she giggled. "You'll have to do better than that!"

"Do you know, I think I can, Mandy - does the name Gail Considine mean anything to you - you're the spitting image of her."

Mandy's eyes opened to the size of saucers in astonishment. "Gail?" she almost shouted. "Gail is mum's sister, my auntie. So how do you know her?"

I burst out laughing. "This is such a small world. Gail is my mother's second cousin - I think. I can never work out all those degrees of cousinship - second, third, twice or three times removed. But it does seem as if we are related, no matter how distantly.".

Mandy joined in the laughter and held out a small, soft, beautifully manicured hand. "Well, hi again, cus," to which I replied in kind.

I took all my courage in both hands, and then looked deeply into her lovely blue eyes. "Mandy, I know we've only just met, and I know I'm pushing it a bit, but can I see you again - please?"

Again, I thought I saw a shadow pass across her face, but she replied, "Well, if you're sure Danny, but you don't know me very well at all."

"I know enough to know that I'd like to repeat this meeting, perhaps in another place," I was clear and firm.

"Okay, Danny, on your head be it," and she gave me her phone number. "Give me a call and we'll work something out."

You have the following choices:

1. Danny's mother is horrified & forbids him from having anything to do with Mandy. *

2. Mandy refuses to return Danny's calls. *

3. Danny arranges to take Mandy to dinner, but it is a disaster. *

4. Danny calls Mandy but she tells him she wants to get back with her ex. *

5. Mandy tells Danny that she is a single mum with a twelve month old daughter. *
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1852029-A-Day-At-The-Pond---Chapter-2---Romance