Steph woke up as the sun shined down on her face, making her amazing mocha skin glisten in the early morning sun. She smiled as a long raspy fart billowed out form between her big butt cheeks and filled under the sheets with more warmth, “Excuse me, guess I’m a little gassy this morning! Good!” She stretched her body of all the kinks and felt her feet slide out from under the covers and into the warm morning air.
Steph’s eyes went wide. She was tall, but she wasn’t so tall that her feet would slide out form under the covers! She threw the covers off and looked down at herself. Her wife beater was stretched to its limit as it tried it best to contain a pair of breasts that were no longer the large E cup she had when she went to bed, but were now much, much bigger. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and could see her thighs were much thicker than normal, and a feel of her belly meant she had gone form trim an curvy to tick and voluptuous. Standing up and looking over her shoulder she could see her ass had thickened up from a firm ghetto booty to a solid badonkadonk. She also noticed she was no longer 5 foot 7, but almost a foot taller, maybe more. She gave her new ass a squeeze and it blasted off with more gas, normally a turn on for the gas obsessed college girl, but right now it was more troubling than erotic. “What the Hell happened to me?” Steph asked no one as a little touch of panic touched her.
She opened her bedroom door and gingerly tip toed to the bathroom, a move she abandoned when her ass betrayed her silence and farted, stinking up the whole house with its noxious smell. Slamming the door shut behind her, and praying no one was home, Steph commented, “Normally that would have been a great one, but I’ve got to figure out what’s going on!” The African-American girl looked in the mirror, and other than her light brown curly hair having lengthened and straightened so that it was jet black and wavy and came to mid back she just looked like a taller version of herself, with what looked to be proportionately another 30 pounds on her frame. “I’m as big as Fanny,” Steph said admiring herself in the mirror like Fanny would. Her skin was the color of a rich caramel like normal, and her full lips were ever so kissable, and despite her nose being a little wider than quote unquote normal she still liked it, especially with her rich green eyes. Steph was relieved to be as attractive as ever, and given her breasts looked even fuller than before she guess being taller and way more gassier wasn’t so bad. She farted again, and chuckled, “As big and as gassy as Fanny!” And that’s when it hit her. “Jenny’s wish to be like Fanny! It was granted to me! But why?” Steph thought for a second, despite the racket her ass made by passing tons of gas, and then it hit her, “It was my quarter! The wish was granted to me because Jenny threw my quarter into the well!” Steph cringed a little, knowing how childish Jenny could be, “She’s gonna be mad! But whatever! Hopefully she’ll eventually be glad that I became a big farting chocolate babe, and realize all the fun the two of us can have together for it!”