Tanya walked into the coffee shop in Aunt Jessie’s body. “Great a line,” Tanya grumbled to herself. She had no patience on her won and this slight inconvenience was akin to losing a limb in her mind. “Three people, I have to wait behind three people, this is bull shit!”
The barista, a girl named Jill saw the woman she knew as Jessie waiting at the end of the line and sighed in frustration. “Sometimes its like she flirting with me, and sometimes it’s like she hates me,” she thought to herself unaware of Jessie’s dual nature. Tom did flirt with her when he came in as Jessie, and Tanya did treat her like dirt, as she hated all other good looking women, seeing them as potential competition. “I just wish she would stop coming.”
Tanya just continued to fidget in line, and when she spotted Jill. “Gawd! It’s that stupid barista! It’s like she’s always trying to flirt with me… with this _body_! She must go for cougars!” Tanya thought. “I just want my coffee and to get out of here!” That’s when a sly smile crossed Tanya’s face. “And maybe this body can help me!”
Tanya turned around trying to act casual about it when she started to push a powerful fart out of her large ass. I was a low booty rumbler that stank of a high protein diet. Her gas quickly made its way around the room and into the noses and mouths of the other customers and some of the baristas. The other customers turned to watch the older pear shaped woman proudly sashay her ass form side to side proudly spraying her gas. “Oops.” Tanya told them flatly, her contempt for them clearly visible in her voice.
Gagging the other customers had no choice but to leave. The smell, and unfortunately the taste, was too much for them to handle. With no line Tanya waltzed up to the counter, quite proud of herself, and placed her order, “Large coffee black with sugar.”
“Oh, not a large light and sweet mocha latte today?” Jill asked trying to be friendly to the older flatulent woman.
“Did I order that? Or did I order a large coffee black with sugar? Because that’s what I thought I ordered, but I could be wrong. Maybe my beehive hair is pulling on my brain and making me hear things. Maybe I don’t know what I want anymore. Or maybe, just maybe, I wanted a large coffee, black with sugar!” Tanya yelled at her, making her the new store legend for rudest customer, a story to be told at bars and office parties.
“Sorry,” Jill said feeling extremely chastised. She went and made the coffee and returned with it as soon as possible. “Here you are ma’am. $4.27.”
Tanya took the exact amount out and handed it to Jill, making sure she understood there would be no tip. She snatched her coffee up and took a sip. “Mmm. Cold, just the way I like it,” Tanya said with disgust for the young woman in her voice. “I guess it is hard to make a warm cup of coffee,” Tanya continued spitefully ass he turned to walk away.
“Thanks for the tip,” Jill said sarcastically under he breath, not realizing the big-assed woman would hear her.
“A tip? Did you want a tip?” Tanya began aggressively.
“I’m sorry,” Jill tried to apologize, “I shouldn’t have been rude.”
“No. You’re right. Your cold cup of coffee deserves a tip,” Tanya told her mockingly, before turning and trumpeting out a nasty smelling fart, which made Jill throw up a little in her mouth. “How’s that for a tip?”