Tali clutched her stomach as she ran to the bathroom for the eighth time today, feeling pressure building up within her lower gut; It was rounded, almost taut with the sheer volume of fecal matter packed within, just begging to escape through her tight, purple butthole. Not so tight anymore, now that the infection was upon her and even these basic muscle controls were weakening. It felt like her intestines were on fire, and though the bathroom door was only a few steps away, she just couldn't hold it in. The quarian moaned in misery as shit flooded her diaper, the plastic crinkling beneath her suit as it expanded. The hiss of piss was loud in her ears, amid a chorus of groans and grunts as she tried in vain to keep her overloaded bowels from emptying themselves.
"Gradual atrophy of the muscles in the lower gastro-intestinal tract, as well as those controlling bladder release. Expected outcome: Total incontinence within 36 hours. Barring total gastro-uric transplant, effects almost certainly permanent." That's what Mordin had told her, back when this all started. She was just walking through the Normandy, minding her own business, when her stomach suddenly lit up with pain, and she doubled over as a sudden wave of diarrhea flowed into her suit, collecting around her ankles like a mushy, foul soup. There was no way to hide her shame, surrounded by the whole crew, and it was Garrus who hauled the panicking quarian into Mordin's lab. All it took was a simple stool test to prove that she'd caught something rather... Embarrassing: Scale itch, a non-fatal infection caused by sexual contact with varren, those weird reptilian dogs from Tuchanka. In varren, it produced effects of itchy scales and ugly rashes; In quarians, it seemed to mostly affect the digestive system. She knew she was lucky the effects hadn't been worse, but at the same time, constantly crapping and pissing herself was hardly part of her lifelong aspirations.
"K-Keelah," She muttered as she finally made it through the bathroom door, unzipping her suit and slamming her muddy ass down on the toilet, but the episode had already ended, leaving her with an aching anus and a heavily soiled diaper to clean. Even empty, the diaper made her ass look twice as big as before, and more than one horny krogan had given it a squeeze, and grunted in confusion as her 'butt' crunched beneath his fingers. After a good filling like this one, it looked even bigger, drooping with what a casual observer might mistake for cellulite. No such luck; It was just a massive load of liquid quarian shit sloshing around within an all-too-flimsy plastic bag. Even with the kevlar reinforcements, she wasn't confident it could hold everything, especially when an ill-timed meal gave her an attack of liquid dookie in public. She didn't want to be a shitbag of a quarian forever, but there was nothing she could do about it. At least her crewmates still treated her normally, with more than a bit of sympathy for her unfortunate new condition. After washing the muck from between her plump purple cheeks, she sprayed herself down with baby powder and climbed into a new diaper. She'd need it, since she had to...