Beside the pillar next to the dance floor, she spots a tall, slender man who appears to be roughly her age, or slightly older. He's a handsome, young man, as evidenced by the small crowd of females surrounding him. Something she does notice is how much of a listener he is, rather than dominating their conversation. Gwen has always had a soft spot for more sensitive and compassionate guys, and makes her want to join in.
However, she takes one step and it appears her stomach has other plans. From her abdomen she hears an audible, long, gurgle, and begins to feel the pain she felt while holding in her fart on the line to get in. She steps back and ponders what she should do now...
Out from nowhere it seems, a short, blonde lady bumps right into Gwen's side and spills her drink onto Gwen's shoes. Gwen is almost knocked down by the contact and lets out a 1-second loud fart—"BRRFFTTT"—that makes her cheeks go red instantly. Lucklily for her, the woman was visibly inebriated and seemed to give no notice to Gwen's flatulence. It was a miracle that her fart wasn't the smelliest of the night.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Oh my god, are those your shoes? They're so sparkly and I spilled all of my sparkly wine on them!!"
"Oh, don't worry about them, they'll probably be okay..." Gwen figured it wasn't worth it to start an argument with a random drunk woman at a club, anyway.
"Here, we gotta go get some napkins! There, by the bar!"
The ladies scuttled over to the bartable, where they promptly took two unoccupied seats by the center.
"Hey, mister, get me some napkins, why don't ya?" The lady exclaims to the bartender. Gwen removes her flats and places them on the table. "Wow, those are sooo nice, where did you, *hiccup*, get them?"
"Oh, I don't know, probably from the department store, uh...oh, here are the napkins!" She takes the stack of napkins the bartender left for them and wipes down her flats.
"No, no, let me take care of it, I made this mess, anyways... bartender! You got any seltzer?"
Gwen smiled at the gesture, but quickly winced when she felt the skin below her belly button expand with more gas. Gosh, why am I always like this? She wondered, but was startled by a sudden voice behind her.
"What mess is this, you speak of, Liz? What did you do to this poor lady?" Gwen swiftly swiveled in her chair to face the man, who was the same attractive male standing by the pillar earlier. She blushed and let slip a 5-second silent fart without even realizing the occurrence.
"Okay, I spilled my damn drink on her feet. I'm sorry! What do you want me to say? Moron..."
"Hey, take it easy!" He looks down to face Gwen. "I'm Jeremy, by the way. Many call me Josh, which isn't my name, but that tends to be a symptom of the alcohol, as you can see here with my cousin..."
"Hey, fuck off. At least I'm cleaning her damn shoes. It's not like the wine even stained, this seltzer seems to be doing the trick." She barks, as she continues to clumsily dab the napkins into the drink to wipe the shoes.
"You have to excuse her behavior. She's in town visiting from Colorado, and the nightlife is a lot for her to take in at once. I feel the same way, to be honest. What's your name, by the way?"
"Oh, I'm Gwen. That's short for Gwendolyn, but, haha, you knew that already!" She sheepishly smiles as Jeremy, or Josh, as she can't remember which, shrugs. "How are you enjoying the party?"
"Meh, these things are all the same. Drinking, hopping around, or dancing, as it were, nothing I've never seen before."
"Oh! So you do these sort of things a lot?"
"I suppose, but I'm just about to leave, as soon as Liz here gets ready to go..."
"TA-DA!" She yells, way louder than necessary. "Good as new! They were kinda dirty to begin with, ya know..."
"Hey, watch it. You screwed them more than enough! Anyways, Gwen, right? We should be heading out by now, do you want to come with us?"