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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Sci-fi · #1845020
Post-Invasion World Agrith. Archetype City. Transformed employment optional.

Post-Invasion World Agrith. Archetype City. Transformed employment optional.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Year is Eight hundred and Thirty four of the Toranthan Era or T.E. Post Sabrontason invasion, experimental municipality and political zone, Archetype City, planet Agrith. The Vilrakiin remnant, by trade magic users. Now contends with the Technocratic Surauto Vaim nes Archanaun. The Sabrons equivelent organization of magic users. While employment is plentiful, most jobs in Archetype City requires interns be transformed. Story begins with a courier outfit and may extend to any denizens introduced during the story arc. Anything within reason goes...

The world of Agrith has abundant water, islands, and only three seperate island contentants.

Agrith is one of fifty four worlds conquered by the Sabron in a twenty-four year time span. Sabron are currently consolodating control with no intentions of further expansion.

Natives are human, origin unknown, with a multigenerational exposure to transformations.

Highest mage population per capita in the Sabron imperium.

The Sabron occupation force represents a small minority in Archetype City. Race alias are Lizard-monkeys due to agility, or Scalies due to patches of scales across their skin. Race is general just in behavior though their ethics are skewed as a result of their racial inclination towards experimentation and data collection.

I'd appreciate it if...
Transformations serve a function. I.e. backpack, ATM, ect.
Stories build character development.
Stories expand upon the experimental municipality. (Locale creation)
Stories reflect or mimic probable societal tolerances for a post TF civilization.
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