Looking around your room, you decide to try this with your pillow, when you press your pussy to it sticks, just like it has every time you've stuck it some where on your body, neat! Further experimentation shows that you can also give it orders on wether or not to stay attached... now this has potential! While you wouldn't try it here at collage, being that the bathrooms aren't private, you could stick your pussy to the underside of a toilet and not have to worry about peeing while your out doing something! Of course as sated the toilets here aren't private, so your not going to risk someone finding your bits!
"Well this is cool, I wonder if there's any limits where I can put my bits?" You ask yourself, you soon find them. As it turns out it won't stick to something if the surface isn't smooth and regular enough: the walls work, but teddy, your oldest stuffed animal? Nope, he's too fuzzy, the fuzz denies your pussy a good place to anchor too, the same thing goes for a fuzzy towel you pull out, however, another towel, this time less fuzzy, provides just enough for your pussy to latch onto, so it would seem there are limits to what you can put her on.
"Hmmm... wonder if it works on people too, eh... not sure who I would test that on, maybe Brad?" You muse to yourself, Brad is your boyfriend: funny, nice, and he takes care of himself... he's also bit clingy but despite that you like him anyway. He also goes to this collage... and you wonder if the same thing has happened to him? Better yet... has the same thing happened to your roommate? You look over at her messy, unmade bed... your's wound up falling off into your bed, so... if her's fell off too you'd expect it to be there as well... Is it?