Awkwardly, Annabeth managed to emerge from her now gigantic t-shirt, feeling a heavy breeze on her naked body.
Well this wasn't an ideal situation no matter which way she looked at it. She had come back to the camp as a surprise visit so no one had any idea to look for her after when she wouldn't show up. As far as everyone knew, she was still safe in San Francisco. But instead, she was butt naked deprived of any weapon and she was somewhere in the vicinity of an inch tall.
Well how could this get any worse?
A deafening roar sounded from behind her. She had to ask.
Swallowing a very large lump in her very small throat, Annabeth hesitantly looked over shoulder to see a monster held up on six muscular stilt-like legs. She'd never seen it before but it was a massive gangly beast, an unholy mixture of spider and wolf, a multitude of purple eyes focused on her little body and teeth nearly three times her size, drooling with a black liquid that smelt vaguely like an acid.
Objectively, Annabeth knew it couldn't be any bigger than fifteen feet tall. But at an inch tall, fifteen feet was over a hundred times her size. So Annabeth did the only logical thing she could think of.
"Oh. My. Gods!" She screamed, bolting away from it as fast as her little feet could carry her.
The beast swiped one of its massive legs over her but years of combat training paid off as Annabeth managed to roll out of the limb's path.
But in her panic, Annabeth's normally tactical brain, able to track at least twelve moving objects at once, failed to hear another of the limbs hurtling for her back until it was too late.
With a grunt of pain, the demigoddess tumbled back, falling into a crack between two rock formations. The monster gave another howl as it charged for her but found that it was simply too large to break into the crack.
Taking a few calming breaths, Annabeth walked deeper back into the crack and sat down as the monster stalked back to her outfit and backpack, unleashing its acid on her property.
"Oh great now no one knows I was even here." She cursed. Clearly the beast had been sent after her directly. It was probably why she didn't recognize it, someone had pulled a Power Rangers and commissioned a unique predator. Now who did Annabeth know that she'd ticked off enough to warrant that and, most likely, had the skill to shrink her?
She immediately shook her head. The list of suspects was way too long.
Right now, she needed to find a way to defeat the monster and get her size back.
Before she could even think of anything, a war cry sounded and her fellow campers began swarming the beast. It should have been a comforting sight but all Annabeth could think of was how they looked to be even larger than the gods.
Still the sight of Percy leading the war charge did bring her some joy, bringing back a memory of when he'd been turned into a guinea pig by Circe.
It hit her like a blast from the Master Bolt. If she could just get Percy's attention, then he could get her one of of Hermes' anti-magic vitamins. Sure he'd see her naked, and would no doubt taunt her about this until they died, but given the alternative, it was a price she was willing to pay.
Steadily, as the monster was very clearly defeated, Annabeth made her way out of the rocks, doing her best to draw no attention from her fellows. Not very easy when her blonde hair and white as now skin contrasted so sharply against the brown Earth. But all she had to was get to Percy's shoe and hold on for dear life until he got back to Cabin 3.
Unfortunately in her haste, Annabeth had neglected one detail, defeated and dead were very different things. Sensing her, the monster made one last lurch, sending up a wave of dirt that blinded everyone before Clarisse managed to sink her spear into its head, killing it.
Her eyes only half open by an impossible layer of dirt, Annabeth stumbled towards Percy and managed to hoist herself onto his shoe just as everyone began walking back to camp.
Resting on the shoe, Annabeth slowly began grooming the dirt off of herself before she felt the shoe rise up for a moment. Looking back, Annabeth just glimpsed the form of Percy walking behind a wall, his clothing left behind. Annabeth was confused for a moment but that quickly faded when she heard a shower start.
Oh well that wasn't too bad. Percy never took too long to shower. He should be out in no time.
And yet ten minutes later, having groomed all the dirt off her, Annabeth was still waiting, naked foot impatiently tapping on the floor.
"Oh for Zeus' sake! What is taking him?" She demanded. Her nudity and size predicament forgotten, Annabeth marched towards the shower, angrily turning the corner, intent on scolding her boyfriend, and maybe seeing a glimpse of his now gigantic rod.
The words died in her mouth when she realized that the monster's last spasm had blinded her and she hadn't hitched a ride on Percy's shoe at all. Ahead of her was the towering figure of:
1) Clarrise, daughter of Ares. The hulking brute doesn't even register Annabeth as she leaves the shower, the daughter of Athena winding up squished beneath the Ares counselor's sole.
2) Drew, daughter of Aphrodite. Spying the tiny Athenian, Drew quickly seizes her, eager for a new loofa.
3) Piper, daughter of Aphrodite. Or rather her foot. Sent hurtling back into the Cherokee's clothing, Annabeth quickly finds herself pressed against Piper's massive butt.