The two of you have been running around in the rain for a while. You're not entirely sure just where Bub is taking you, but he sure seems to know the way. You quietly follow him until the two of you reach a small building. You see various meat products through the window.
"This is the meat vendor's store. I always come hear to beg for food when I'm hungry."
You look inside and see all the tasty meat sitting in the shelves.
"How do we get in?" you ask.
"Through the door, but I can't open it. It's over there."
Bub points to the closed door at the side of the store. You look at the round thing sticking out of it and you grab it. You try pushing and pulling it, but it's no use.
"Come on, I'm hungry!"
You try ramming the door, which breaks off it's hinges and lands on the floor, glass shattering everywhere.
"Wow. You're really strong!" Bub says, looking up at you.
"Uh, thanks."
The two of you begin eating the food inside. Bub gets full pretty quickly, but you still have room for more. You eat the steak on a table, the sausages hanging in front of the window, and the ribs sitting in a corner shelf. You plop down with a full belly, feeling a little sleepy from your meal.
"Whoa...You sure eat a lot." Bub says, walking next to you.
"Yeah, I guess so." You say, looking at your distended belly.
You yawn widely as you try to get comfortable on the floor.
"It looks like the rain won't be stopping for while. I'm feeling tired myself."Bub says, huddling next to you.
Before you know it, you're deep asleep, thinking about your new friend.
"Hey, Little G! Wake up!"
You open you eyes and stand up, looking around. You're still in the store...But something seems off.
"Hey! Down here!"
You look down and see Bub, a concerned look on his face.
"Bub, what is it?" you ask. There's something off about him too.
"Well, uh, it's just that, ah..."
You examine the store again, and finally notice what was off. When you two came in here, the shelves were a few inches bigger than you. But now, you can easily see right over them! You look down at Bub again and see him the size of your foot.
"Bub, how did you get smaller? And how did the store shrink too?"
"It's not me, It's you! You grew bigger!"
That does make more sense when you look at it that way. But how did that even happen? You're taller by at least 1 feet!
"Hey Little G...If the food here runs out, you're not gonna try to eat me, are you?" Bub asks, taking a step back.
"No! I would never do that! You've helped me out and keep me company, so why would I eat you?" you say, leaning over to him.
"Really? Oh good...And the rain's finally stopped too."
You look out and see that he's right.
"You never know when humans might decide to start coming back here again. We should probably get going now." Bub says.
The two of you exit the store, you having to lean a bit to avoid the door frame.
"Where should we go now?" you ask.
"Well, I think I remember a few more places we could look at." Bub says, walking towards a direction.