Kendall Knight, leader of the world famous band BTR/Big Time Rush, lord prankerton and president of awesomeness, and lead dog of his pack, was depressed. Not about Jo leaving (anymore, he had been a mess over that for a while) but for a reason even more horrifying: his leg was broken. He had leg and other injuries before of course, but not ever one like this. One can't dance or play hockey or any of the other million fun things that are possible on broken legs. He did not like to admit it but it hurt worse than any other injury he had before and even attempting to move with it sent daggers of pain through him. In fact, the doctor (not the crazy one that normal patients saw that served the Palmwoods and surrounding county but an actual doctor) was worried about him walking on that leg ever again and so was Logan after seeing the x-rays. Something about torn ligaments. He got stuck on the never walking on that leg ever again bit. That had sent him into a panic that took James, Carlos, and Logan to restrain him from hurting someone (and certainly himself).
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod" Kendall had chanted from the couch while Logan paced anxiously, biting his nails while Carlos was eating cup after cup of pudding (stress eater) and James was combing his hair. He had started on Kendall's but after Kendall chewed him out, James was sulking and doing his own hair. The doctor called back and said it might be possible but Kendall was not to use that leg under any circumstances for the next period of time.
"And that means any Kendall," Logan was explaining. "Not even crawling."
"How long will it take?" Kendall asked.
"Months, at the least. It's too dangerous to risk surgery now, not unless you want a prosthetic limb?"
"Nah, I'm good with the one I have right now. Besides, I'd never be allowed to play hockey then."
"There is always alternative sports..."
"Why are you talking about me losing my leg already? I certainly don't intend to if I can help it," Kendall said, glaring at Logan.
"It's just..." Logan started.
"Enough, I don't want to hear it." They all looked at Kendall shocked. He rarely ever got snappy with them, especially with Logan.
"O-okay," Logan said back out. "See you later then. Carlos put down the pudding, you should have stopped at 6 cups."
Kendall was left alone with just James. "Are you ever going to stop that?" Kendall snapped, feeling sorry as he did so. He didn't mean to be snappish with his friends, but everything was out of whack and he was scared. The thought of being a cripple the rest of his life...well, some live quite successful lives but the side-ways looks and glances, the pitying gazes and words, and secret laughter behind your back...he would be taken as a fool and laughingstock. People would forget that he was still there and his friends...he'd never play hockey with them again. Play in the snow, swim, move as fast as them. Would they forget him? Would they leave him behind? And his mom and sister...after dad died, someone had to look out for them. He had to keep Katie out of trouble and if he ever lost the music gig what would happen then? He groaned and buried his face in his hands as he cried. James looked away from the mirror.
"Hey, it'll be okay..." James said hesitantly not sure what to do. Especially with Kendall, and Kendall never cried, not like this.
"Can you please leave for a while?" Kendall whimpered. James flinched.
"Okay...but if you need anything..."
"Yeah, I know. Just want to be alone." James left, hesitating as he looked back, not sure if leaving was a good idea right now. But as the sobbing cries got louder, he winced and ran out.