You slowly open your eyes as sunlight is coming in through the windows. You smile as you look around at your surroundings, your girlfriend's bedroom. You roll over, wondering when Heidi will be rejoining you in bed, and that is when you realize something. The you are in Heidi's room, which is at her apartment.
You immeadiately sit up, looking at your surroundings. You fell asleep in your bed, how did you get here? That's when you notice that your clothes feel different. As you look down you see that the shirt and pants you are wearing aren't anything you own, but rather soething that someone has stitched together. As you stand up to look at your clothes, you notice that Heidi'e bed looks a lt bigger, infact everything does. If you had to guess, its because you are now four inches tall.
You start to breathe heavy, panicing as you have no idea what is going on. Then you see Heidi start to walk by the door.
"Heidi!" you shout as you are wavingbyour arms, trying to get her attention.
Hsidi turns and looks right at you, her hands raisingbup to her mouth. Only her expression isn't one of shock, but rather excitement and joy.
"You're awake!" Heidi says as she rushes to the side of the bed. Kneeling down she kisses you. "You are just so cute like this."
"Heidi," you start to say. "I've been shrunk! How was I... I mean what happened to..."
Heidi interupts you, placing the tip of her finger over your mouth, her finger along is almost as long as you are tall now. She shushes you in a lovingbtone before speaking. "Calm down, I will explain everything.
About a weekmago, while I was waiting for you, I got on your pcm curious about what kind of things you were into. As a psychologist, I know that somethings are difficult to talk about, even with someone you love. What I foubd surprised me. Everything I saw was about giant women and their feet, and I must say that I find it oh so fascinating. So I figured that you must have a foot fetish, which explains your submissive behavious."
"Submissive behavior?" you ask.
"Yes," Heidi responds. "You are always so eager to please and do for me. Not to mention how you always cuddle up to me and enjoy being held. But anyways, I did some searching online and found something quite interesting, a way to shrinknyou. At first I thought about growing for you, but there are too many inconveniences that made it impractical. So now you can be my, for lack of a better term, foot slave, if it would please you."