By this, Erin had run out of choices. She simply HAD to go to class, since she did not wish to think about, what her parents would say, if she was absent from the first class, after they'd left.
Erin attempted pulling down her skirt as low as possible to avoid showing anyone either her pubic area or her tight behind, but the school-skirts were simply so short that it was basically impossible to cover everything at the same time.
When she entered the school halls, she faced a problem: other students were arriving from both sides, meaning that she couldn't cover everything at the same time. Erin attempted moving her hands in synch with the other students, but fairly quickly one observant male noticed that the school skirt was all that Erin was wearing. His facial expression changed from wonder, to disbelief, to appreciation, before he finally broke out into a wide grin, appreciating the nice view that he'd just had.
Afterwards he started whispering to all the other boys, resulting in all of them walking closely behind Erin, since they all wished to get the opportunity to watch the female parts of her.
Since Erin was so self-conscious about her barely covered behind and pussy, she just looked into the ground, pretending not to notice the crowd of boys that just seemed to grow bigger by the second.
She was terribly relieved, when she finally made it into her first class-room, and she quickly put her barely covered behind into a seat, and just managed not to cry out, because of the cold wood against her buttocks.
When the teacher, Mr. Jamieson, arrived, he quickly looked around (as always) trying to locate the girl with the shortest skirt, since he liked to have them standing right in front of him, giving him an occasional panty-peek, when they were at the black-board.
His face almost cracked, when he noticed Erin, and fairly quickly he had asked her to go to the board to solve a complicated equation.