I couldn't see the fat nurse's face, but I could tell she was smiling.
"Her name's Torrie?" she asked my cousin. "About this tall? Pointy hat?"
"Yes, yes!" my cousin said, sounding relieved. "That's her! Did you see where she went?"
"Come on inside, I can tell you there," the nurse said. My cousin thanked her again and went inside without even stopping to think how weird the request was. She didn't even notice when the nurse locked the door, didn't think it was weird how a huge, half-naked woman in a sexy nurse costume had invited a 15-year-old girl into her home to talk about a missing kid. I don't even think she knew the nurse recognized her from the Target.
"Sit down over here," the nurse said, patting the couch and quickly stuffing my naked body onto the couch and sitting on me to hide me. My cousin sat down next to her. I don't know how, but I could hear them talking even through the padding.
"What's your name, honey?" the nurse asked my cousin.
"Sarah," she answered.
"Fitting. So, how did you lose your little cousin Torrie, Sarah?"
Sarah was quiet for a bit, then said, "Well, we were trick-or-treating, and she wanted to come down this street but I wanted to talk to Cindy. She's a girl I, um ... like. And Cindy had some beer, so we drank a little, and then we started kissing ... and then I remembered I told Torrie to meet me at 7:00 and it was after then and I didn't see her, but someone said she came by your house, and ..."
"There, there, it's okay. "I did see her, and I know she's in one piece." Sarah started crying because she was so happy. "There's just one thing, though."
"W-what do you mean?" Sarah asked. "Hey, let go!"
The nurse's weight shifted above me as she grabbed my cousin and stood up. I was stunned and sore on her couch, looking up as she choked and fondled my cousin, then turned to show me to her and laugh.
"The thing is," the nurse said, "Little Witchie Poo over here was about to be my dinner, and I don't want to let her go for free, so I'm going to give you a choice. You can take her place as my dinner, you can let me fuck you and if I like you enough I'll let you both go, or you can leave her and let me eat your cousin in peace. What'll it be?"
My cousin started to cry as she choked out her answer.