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After an accident, you find yourself in the land of Mossflower. What now? 3,860+views. |
Ever since you could remember, you enjoyed reading the “Tales of Redwall” series. You loved reading about those heroic mice, and their friends, as they fought against those villainous rats, and their ilk. You cheered the heroes, Martin, Gonff, Matthias, and the other brave ones. You booed the villains, Badrang, Cluny, Slagar, and the other evil doers. You wailed at the deaths of Rose, Father Mortimer, and the others who gave their lives to protect the good people. Then, you were saddened to hear about the death of the Author and creator, Brian Jacques, just as his last book was published. One dark and rainy evening, you managed to purchase the book that you needed to complete your collection of Redwall novels. However, on your way home there was an accident, with you being one of those in serious condition. Your hands are locked in Death’s grip on the book, as if it’s all that’s keeping you alive. Your physical body is attached to numerous machines, trying to keep you stabilized, while you remain in a coma. Your mind however, is in Mossflower Woods, near Redwall Abbey. Will you survive, and go back to the land of the living, or will you make the choice to stay? Rules: 1. Anyone and everyone from any and every Redwall book could show up. This means that Heroes, such as Martin and Matthias and other good people, will come to help you, while Villains, such as Cluny and Badrang and other evil ones, will be out to try and do you harm, in one way or another. Also, original characters are allowed. 2. Death is not permanent. If someone in Mossflower, or the area around it, dies, they will come back after a time. (Similar to Riverworld) They will come back to life along the waterways, rivers, streams, ocean, sea, or on occasion, the Abbey pond, and they will be at their most physically fit age. For the most part, they will be given clothing, similar to those which they wore in life. 3. The characters can heal up from any wound that is non-fatal, though some will wear things that make them recognizable to others, such as Cluny’s use of his signature eyepatch. Thus, if one is to remove them, one must give them a “fatal” injury. 4. Should you “die”, there will be some problems for your body in the real world, mainly in the fact that you’ll be in the coma longer. So, try to not “die”. 5. Spelling and Grammar are a must, though if you try to do molespeech, or the speech of any who have an accent, some leeway will be given, but there is one thing: do it right or don’t do it at all. If you can’t do the accent, don’t even attempt. Nothing ruins a mole speech like a mole who can’t speak molespeech right. 6. Leadership of the peoples is interesting. Given the fact that there are many Abbots and Abbesses who have lead Redwall, from Abbess Germaine to Abbot Thibb, and many Badger Lords who have lead Salamandastron, from long before Lord Stonepaw to Lady Violet Wildstripe, whenever something important comes up, such as a vermin attack, the various Abbots and Abbesses, or Badger Lords, will talk among themselves before coming to a decision, at which point they will pick a speaker to talk to those under them. 7. Similarly, The Warriors of Redwall, who were chosen carriers of the Sword of Martin, from Martin the Warrior on down to Uggo Wiltud, tend to be in charge of the defense of the Abbey, and a leader will be chosen among them in the case of attack, and that one will be given the Sword, though if the foe is the enemy of a certain Warrior, that one will be given precedence. 8. As for the Leaders of Vermin, from Ungatt Trunn on down to Razzid Wearat, each one has their own crew/horde. For the most part, the various Vermin tend to fight among themselves, with each Leader trying to control the land/sea for themselves. However, there are times when the Leaders join forces with each other, so that they can accomplish a common goal, such as to conquer Redwall or Salamandstron or wherever, but each one will scheme and plot behind the others backs, in order to take over the Horde for themselves. 9. The Goodies tend to be mice, hares, moles, voles, shrews, otters, badgers, squirrels, hedgehogs, and some birds. *Note* There have been more than a few, who, due to how they were treated by others, insanity, or some other reason, who were not helpful, and would mistreat, or even kill, others. Examples include Skan, a shrew, Druwp, a vole, Tugga Bruster, a shrew (and Log-a-Log), and a few others. 10. The Baddies tend to be rats, ferrets, weasels, stoats, foxes, wildcats (or feral cats), wolverines, (which are thankfully rare), ermines, martens, polecats, and some birds. *Note* There have been a few who were actually good, or helped them out. Examples include Gingivere Greeneyes (and his wife and his distant descendant, Squire Julian Gingivere), wild/feral cats, Blaggut, searat, and a couple of others. 11. Your species is something of a quandary. Are you still human or have you turned into something that would live in Mossflower, or are you a changeling, with the ability to change your species depending on who, or what, is around you? 12. There are three groups of people- True Characters- those created by Brian Jacques, Fanfic- those made by Fans of the series (you can make them up), and finally Dead Fans- those whose souls have ended up in Mossflower instead of Regular Heaven. As for the creation of Mossflower- BJ read the first book to a kid dying of cancer. Kid said that he wished that Heaven was like Mossflower. Big Guy liked the story, and granted his wish. Since then, fans of the story ended up coming to Mossflower. 13. Sexual Orientation is up for Grabs- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Straight- all are fine, but limit the romance to hugging and kissing, for the time being. If you wish for more information about Redwall, please see the following sites http://redwall.wikia.com/wiki/Redwall_Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redwall http://www.redwallabbey.com/ http://www.sullivanet.com/redwall/ |