Heather plunges into the thick scrub trees facing the road. As she daintily makes her way in (after quickly discovering the roots, thorny vines, and spider webs), a Police cruiser rounds the corner and seems to head down the street towards the golf course. She only gets the barest glimpse, as Heather is too busy trying to avoid her long hair getting snagged on branches, or stepping on something, or falling down the rest of the short, leaf-strewn hillside.
Sliding surprisingly gracefully down the lower third of the slope, Heather arrives at the path that runs through the woods, at this point following the winding river that runs through the town. An artist facing away from Heather stares at his easel, while eying his palette, apparently trying to match some color of the flowing river. She takes him by total surprise as she arrives on the trail from the scrub area above.
The bearded, bespectacled fellow in the beret stares at Heather wide-eyed, as she, embarrassed at being seen out here along a public trail totally nude by this stranger, decides to totally wing it. Heather waves and smiles, blushing furiously, and pretends to jog away from the bemused artist as if her morning routine naturally includes a naked run down the trail. She is embarrassed, yet aroused to look back to see him still gazing at her as she runs away down the path through the patches of morning sunlight.
However, just as suddenly, police officers come down the sloping hill, and they are making their way through the thick brush areas alot faster and louder than Heather did!
"Oh, great! Now the painter will tell them where I'm hiding!", thinks the naked beauty as she is forced to scamper down the sharp embankment next to the water's edge to hide, crouched down on her knees like some sleek, beautiful hunted creature.
Peering back through the tall grasses, Heather sees that the artist is conversing with the Police. He appears very animated, and is pointing fervently -