"What's there for me to do? Besides, you kinda deserve this! Aren't the lives of girls easier?" she asked.
I started to cry harder, I couldn't believe that my life was over.
She sighed and pulled me against her. I couldn't stop the tears as the thought of what she did was unbearable.
"Okay, Nikki, calm down! Whatever Evette does, I will help you handle it!" she replied.
I took her hand and showed her exactly what Evette does.
Katy stared at it for a minute, before bursting out laughing. I collapsed crying harder.
Katy stopped laughing and pulled me to my feet.
"Call the company that does this and quit! Tell them, you met a girl, you're gay now and you can't do this anymore! It's not like that can force you, I mean even with a contract, they can't make you have sex with someone. I mean they can sue you or Evette, but I know that much about the law!" she responded.
"Really, they can't?" I stammered. "God, Nikki you really are screwed up! Or have been so!" she teased. I started blubbering again and she sighed.
"Let's find the number and call them!" she suggests. We looked for the number and find it.
Trembling I picked up the number. "Hello Primiere Relations, Candy speaking!" answered the voice.
"H-Hello?" I stammered, terrified. Katy squeezed my hand in support.
"Yvette! Hey, don't worry, your next appointment has been booked for tomorrow!" she answered,
"You're going to have to give it to someone else. I met a girl, I'm a lesbian now and I can't do this anymore!" I replied.
"Fair enough. Congratulations on meeting that special someone! I will reschedule your appointments for the next 2 weeks and if I don't get a call from you, enjoy your new life! Is there anything else, Yvette?" Candy asked.
"Uh, no! Thanks for being cool with it!" I answered, thrilled. "No sweat! It's not like we expected you to do this forever! Wish your new girlfriend the best for me!" she answered. "I will! Thanks again and bye!" I responded. "Bye Bye!" she concluded, cutting off the call.
I looked at Katy, thrilled and held her tight. "Oh God, I love you! Thanks for being the world's best girlfriend! And the future best lawyer in the USA!"
She beamed back, whispering "You are a really hot girl, Nikki. I might think about staying your girlfriend!"
I pulled away, shaking. "You..you're thinking of breaking up?" "Well, I thought we weren't exclusive!" she remarked.
"But I love you!" I replied. I needed Katy now, more than ever. There was nothing I wouldn't do to keep her.
"Care to prove it?" she enquired. Even though I knew I shouldn't, I said "Whatever you want!"
She grinned and said....