Upon first glance at her own reflection, all that Numbuh 5 could say out of her own reaction was, "Oh no. Not Again!" From seeing her sister's reaction to her own slowly altering physique, Cree began to show signs of concern out of her own sibling instincts, despite the clear fact that she and Numbuh 5 were enemies.
"Um...Abigail? You okay there?" Cree asked, cautiously approaching her younger sibling, unsure on what was happening at the moment. But suddenly, Numbuh 5 snapped at her older sibling, showing off signs of animalistic behavior, as she growled, "Of course I'm not okay, Sis! I'm turning back into a Were-Dog!"
"Seriously? A Were-Dog?" Cree scoffed, cocking an eyebrow while putting her hands on her hips, obviously thinking that Numbuh 5 was making up some sort of excuse for what was happening to her. However, unlike her younger sibling, Cree hasn't encountered something such as the infamous Were-Dog curse before, despite being familiar with the concept of Werewolves from numerous monster movies.
"*canine-like growl* I'm not joking around, Cree! My teacher, Mrs. Thompson, was turned into a Were-Dog by some stupid curse. She managed to turn several other kids, including Valerie, into Were-Dogs. Heck, she even turned me into a Were-Dog just so she and her fellow mutts would eat my friends' homework! Dang it, I thought that Numbuh 4 and I stopped that curse!" Numbuh 5 replied, letting out an angry dog-like growl when Cree didn't believe what she was saying.
Then, all of a sudden, Numbuh 5 felt a sudden surge of pain, causing her to scream and grunt in pain, as she fell onto her knees. Forced to watch the events unfold before her very eyes, Cree could only watch in shock and disbelief, as she saw her little sister's body go through another transformation, where Abigail's feet grew and change to look like the same feet she had in her Were-Dog form, tearing through her shoes with ease.
From there, light brown fur began to sprout from Numbuh 5's canine feet, as the KND operative's lower body slowly but surely began to look more like her Were-Dog form, sprouting a tail in the process. However, from Cree's perspective, as much as she wanted the KND to fail, the teenager could see that her younger sister actually was right; Numbuh 5 was turning into a Were-Dog.