Aragorn strove against the power of her voice. Any mortal man, elf, or dwarf could not resist it. Still he fought the beguiling voice inside his head and with the resolve that was forged when he was told it was his destiny to be King of Gondor he resisted. Sensing his resistance Galadriel acted at once, “Loyal servants of your Goddess, take hold of him, he seeks me ill!” Aragorn had fought the servants of Sauron and the wild things of the north for decades, but his companions were seven in number and three of them were stout and valorous warriors themselves. His heart was not in his struggle, how could he draw blood of so fine companions now bewitched at no fault of their own?
With fierceness despite their size the hobbits too assaulted him, and soon he was bound with strong elvish rope. Bound head to foot he was left at Galadriel’s feet. With great arrogance she strode upon his prostrate form standing with her feet on his chest. “So will it be to all who resist me, I care for the people’s of Middle Earth and no one will stop me from protecting it from Sauron.” This was but an excuse, one that even Galadriel still believed. The ring had corrupted her and she would be the Dark Queen of Middle Earth, even if she still thought she was doing good and justly things.
She had commands for them. “Gimli I will give you a company of elves, rally your people and march on my fair wood, Sauron will strike hard and swift, Go now! They will see you swiftly from my borders.” Gimli knelt and said, “Aye fair Goddess of the wood and of my heart, I will bring a mighty host to kneel before you and protect this fair land.” She dismissed him and turned to Legolas, “Go speak with your people in the woods of Mirkwood.” Legolas gazed upon Galadriel, now a Goddess in his eyes, “Nothing will hinder my path, my people will ever struggle against the dark lord!” He leapt up and hastened to obey her commands.
Proud Boromir knelt and stood ready to hear his tasks. Galadriel spoke to him, “Rally Gondor! Return to your father and tell him a new power arises in the west, tell him if he would remain Steward to obey my commands swiftly! Or I shall place a new king upon the throne of Gondor. Aragorn whose chest now held up fair Galadriel shouted anew, “No Boromir, she had the ring do not send our people to ruin, you must…” His voice was cut off as Galadriel placed her perfect foot on his mouth gagging it. “Shut thy mouth, speak no more words in my presence.” Boromir saw the command and power of Galadriel and decided swiftly that she was the one who could defeat the Dark Lord. “Galadriel, you will have a mighty host of Men! The Dark Lord will quake in the halls of Barad-dur when he hears of our coming!
Boromir left with Galadriel’s blessing. The hobbits stared at the perfect vision of divine beauty and form. It disturbed them but a little to see dear Strider’s face contorted by Galadriel’s fair foot gagging his mouth. But on the other hand if he dared to defy their new Goddess it should be his fate to be humbled. In another part of their hearts they felt envy for his tongue was touching the fairest foot in all of Middle Earth. She turned to the hobbits and told Pippin and Merry, “You two, return to your peoples. The Shire is weak but not without strength. Rally companies of archers from all over the Shire and bring them south.” Frodo and Sam would attend to her pleasure, but for now they left her presence.
And now to humble this man who would be king. Ah but how to do this. He is too proud to kneel, so I will have to strip him of his pride and reduce him to nothing.
Still with her foot pressed firmly into the mouth of the ranger she spoke haughtily, “Might warrior indeed! An elf maiden has bested you and now you lay feeble and helpless.” She had perfect balance on Aragorn’s body and lightly sprang off. “I will break you proud Lord! You will be diminished and then I will warp your mind until you have no hope of disobedience.” Aragorn feared the lady of the wood at that moment; he at times had the gift of foresight and saw that this would be true. He cried out “No I will never obey you, my heart is given to Arwen of the house of Elrond and within me there will be no defeat!” He strove against his fate, vain that it would be, he would not be broken easily.
She laughed in amusement and his false hope. Galadriel lowered herself down to the ground and brought her face close to Aragorn’s. Her silvery white gown gathered beneath her and her piercing blue eyes locked onto Aragorn. “I will cast a spell on you to make certain your obedience.” Staring back he said, “I will resist it.” She smiled bewitchingly at him. “Can you resist the power of Galadriel? The power of my beauty, the power of the one ring of power all at once?” She paused for a moment. “Think you can strive against my craft while you strive for your life’s breath at the same time?” With those words she brought forth her hands and with one sealed his mouth and with the other pinched closed his nostrils.
Her grip was firm, power from her heritage and of the ring flowed through her. In vain did Aragorn son of Arathorn struggle to toss his head aside from the blazing beauty’s hands. No mercy was now in Galadriel as she pressed ever more firmly and spoke a spell of mastery over Aragorn. Her eyes glowed with power and Aragorn felt his will to fight shrink and grow ever smaller. Still he held his will within his own grasp. He was chief of the Dunedain or Arnor! He was so be called Elessar the Elfstone. He held on until his body was on the verge of bringing him into the peace of unconsciousness when Galadriel let slide her finger from about his nose. He breathed in the cool crisp clear air of Lorien. But no sooner had he done so then did Galadriel press her slim hand to his nose again.
Aragorn strove against the might of Galadriel. But his heart wondered, why. Why fight her, great and terrible she is, but her beauty is beyond words. He should be honored to serve such a great queen! Aragorn ruthlessly buried that thought, sensing it had come from Galadriel. Galadriel dropped subtly and bent her will fully through the ring driving home the thought of “OBEY!” into Aragorn. He fought and struggled and would have defeated the thought but pain seared his lungs, his attention wavered for a moment and so did he. Galadriel sensing her victory rejoiced and grew careless her hand slipping from his mouth. He breathed again, but only a breath before she shut his mouth. Her pale lovely hand a seal harder then mithril, it would not move again.
But now Aragorn blocked all pain from his mind and focused solely on not being mastered by the Mistress of the Ring. Galadriel’s anger rose at being defied and spoke harshly. “If you will not obey then you will die and the line of Kings will be forever broken!” Aragorn struggled again, but in vain. The ropes held him. His small gasps of air were not enough to sustain him and he passed down into the abyss and knew no more.
Has she slain Aragorn or will his torment continue?