You ascend the stairs to the loft above. As you approach the entrance to the room the you realize the giggling you heard before is still going on. "Damn, what could make this mare laugh for so long."
You slowly creep up to the door peeking inside. A pink pony is on the floor doing... Wait what was she doing? Your feel your face becoming hot, no doubt turning bright red as you realize the cute pink mare is rubbing her forehooves between her haunches. She was masturbating. You feel dirty. I shouldn't be watching this.
The pink pony continues to giggle, moving one of her forehooves to her mouth. Your body quivers as her tongue licks the sweet nectar that came from area south of her belly. Why does she giggle while she does this? you think, as you feel your own nether-regions start to moisten.
I wish I was closer, your thoughts now becoming less coherent as your arousal heightens. The pink pony starts to move her forehoof faster, the noises coming from her changing from giggles to gasps of pleasure. Oh horseapples, she was going to come.
Almost magnetically your own forehoof was attracted to those lips between your haunches. Damn I'm so wet, I really shouldn't be doing this, what if she sees me?.
The adorable pink pony's special area was dripping, you could see some of her wonderful liquid running down her haunches and dripping slightly on the floor. Her forehoof satisfyingly rubbed that amazing area. Her facial expressions exploded as the mare came. You could see the immense pleasure portrayed on her face as her tongue lolled out and she relaxed.
Oh my Celestia. You think as you guiltily continue thinking about what you had just seen, your forehoof rubbing away. A pleasure filled moan escapes your mouth as the electrifying sensation between your haunches heightens. You raise your forehoof to you mouth as you realize the pink mare with the triple balloon cutie-mark might have heard you.
Oh Fuck!. You think as the pink pony jumps up hopping excitedly to your position. You remove your forehoof from underneath your stomach and try to make trot for it downstairs.
Too Late.
The pink pony spotted you, excitingly tackling you to the ground. As the front of her body presses against your back, you feel that wondeful wetness between the pink pony's haunches pressing against the top of your back.
"Hi!!! I'm Pinkie Pie, are you new, are you new in ponyville HUH? HUH? HUH?" Celestia Dammit, you freeze up. Did she not realize that you were watching her... masturbate?
"Umm Hi, yeah nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie" you try to feign a response, knowing full well that your face is bright red stricken with embarrassment.
"OOooo Did you come to play with me, I love meeting new friends!" Pinkie pie said excitedly. "Err," you try to think of something to say. "What is that look on your face you silly filly?" the pink pony inquires with a smile. "OOoo did you see me playing my game before?, I just made it up today!" The pink pony enthusiastically continued, "My friend Rainbow Dash was telling me earlier how last night she was licking my friend Fluttershy all over, and how she especially liked it when Rainbow went in between her haunches." "When I got back to Sugar Cube corner I was thinking about what Dashie was talking about and I felt strange, like the little pair of lips under my belly were becoming all wet." "It Felt so good when I started playing down there, and even better at the end when I EXPLODED!"
For Celestia's Sakes. Does this mare know anything? With the best poker face you could manage you say "Hehe, I love that game too."
"Really!? Really?, want to play with me?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly. Oh Celestia, the wetness accumulating between your haunches was too much, you knew you couldn't refuse this offer.