"Aunty Zelda!" The young girl bolted through the open grass to dive into the arms of her beloved "aunty."
"Malon! Its good to see you again, my my you've gotten bigger!" Zelda wraps her arms around the girl into a tight hug before liftng her up into her arms. Malon was wearing her usual thin white sundress, bilowing around her as they collided. As she hoists the young girl into the air, Zeldas eyes scan the field around them.
"Where's your father, Malon?" Zelda asks quietly, still searching.
"Daddy's out in the barn miliking the cows, he said he'll be out in about half an hour." Malon couldn't stop smiling, Zelda was one of the only people who actually played with her when she visited, and she had been bored.
"Half an hour?" Zelda stopped scanning and smiled. "Then we should find something fun to do in the mean time..." As she spoke, Zelda removed her hand from supporting Malon's back and slowly slipped in up her dress, reaching further and further until her hand softly cupped Malon's panties. She gave a light squeeze and enjoyed the softness of the girl's butt through her even softer underwear. Malon giggled quietly and asked "Aunty Zelda, what're you doing?" She reached to push the princess' hand off of her butt, but she didn't get far before the princess curled her fingers around the waistband of her panties.
"Nothing, I'm just adjusting your underwear, making sure they're on tight enough." Malon squirmed a little bit as the princess' delicate fingers began to squeeze and rub against her butt.
"Stop it Aunty, that tickles!" Instead of stopping, Zelda kicked it up a notch and slipped her hand fully under her panties and rested her royal palm against her young "nieces" bare bottom. She pulled Malon in a bit closer and smiled as she gently groped the giggling girl's behind.
"What tickles? This?" Zelda asked as she put her other hand up Malons dress and playfully pinched her other buttcheek, much to Malon's amusement. As Malon continued giggling Zelda curled her pinching hand around the waistband of Malon's underwear and gently tugged up. Malon gasped.
"Aunty! Why are you pulling on my undies?" She asked through her giggles.
"I told you, I'm just making sure they fit you properly." Zelda smiled devilishly as she squeezed Malon's bottom with one hand and tugged once more on her panties. "But I can't really see if I'm doing a good job or not." The princess added quickly. She crouched down and removed her hands from Malon's butt, much to rhe girl's relief. Wasting no time, Zelda reached forward and spun the young girl around and grabbed the hem of her dress. She pulled the dress up until the bottom of it reached Malon's ribs. Malon let out a confused gasp as she felt a sudden breeze blow up against her now exposed purple and pink panties. These panties were no thong, they were full size childish panties that covered almost her entire butt, minus the space exposed from Zelda's previous tugging.
"Aunty? What are you holding up my dress for? Someone will see my undies if you hold it up!" Malon was growing increasingly uneasy, but she trusted her "aunts" judgement.
"I need to see your panties to make sure they're on right." Zelda replied. "Although you do have a cute little tooshie!" The princess said as she reached out and pinched her butt.
"Owie! Stop doing that!"
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry," in an attempt to relieve the pain Zelda gently massaged the spot she'd been pinching. "But I do need those undies up a bit higher." She said as she worked her fingers below the legholes and began to slowly drag the girl's undies up her back in a vicious wedgie. In response Malon gently bent forward and whimpered. She didn't complain until her waistband had made it to her shoulders.
"Aunty this hurts, do they need to be this high? This feels like that time you gave me a wedgie in the palace garden!"
"This isn't like that, I pulled your cute little white undies all the way up to your neck, this is just how these panties are supposed to be worn." As the princess spoke she tugged the girl's undies up and down, watching her little butt jiggle and bounce, free from the underwear pulled above it.
After a few more solid minutes of tugging and bouncing Malon had gotten tired and decided to lay down as the princess continued her "arrangements."
"Aunty you're gonna rip my undies if you keep going, are you sure this isn't another wedgie?" She turned her head back to see the princess breathing heavily and focussing on her stretched underwear.
"I'm almost done, we can play as soon as I fix your panties," Zelda said as she grabbed Malons butt again.
"That's my butt, not my undies!" Malon said as the princess began groping her again.
"Fine, fine," Zelda said as she slowly pulled her hand off of her butt.
After not much longer Malon's panties had been stretched up to her neck, and after another string of butt groping Malon was bored."
"Aunty are you done yet, my butt hurts and you're taking too long." She complained.
"Yes yes, that should be plenty," Zelda said with one good final yank. She slowly let Malon's panties return to her butt, and spent a considerably long amount of time helping smoothe her "nieces" now far larger undies over her butt. "There, don't you feel better now that your underwear fits propperly?" The princess asked, still tightly gripping the girl's butt.
"I guess, thank you Aunty." Malon said as she pried Zelda's fingers out from under her underwear. She stood up and pulled her dress back down over herself. She turned to face Zelda, who quickly embraced her in a hug where she quickly managed to slip her hands back under Malon's dress and grabbed her butt firmly with both hands.
"Aunty, you're doing it again," Malon said quietly as the princess begain to play with her bottom again, this time ourside of her underwear.
"No I'm not, my hands are outside your panties," the princess argued as she dug her fingers in. "I'm just making sure they stay on right, it's not my fault you have such a squishy butt!" They both laughed gently, but Malon could still feel the princess' hands groping her from behind. Suddenly Zelda's grip on Malon's buttocks tightened and she looked her in the eyes.
"Give Aunty a kiss, Malon." Zelda gently pulled the girl in by her butt, puckering her lips.
"I dunno..." The girl said while continuing to have her butt and undies played with behind her.
"Pleeeaase?" Said Zelda.