The great jungle was filled with his habitual bustle, thousands of birds, monkeys making his calls, the occasional roar of some predator or the final screech of unfortunate prey give a clear message; life here is hard . That terrible fact was reality too in that tiny island where the house of the powerful Athessa, the sorcerer, lives and command over all things.
This day she was hunting for her prey, how usual nothing what she see could escape of her lethal talons, and the insignificant creature that she capture though small was sufficient for be a small snack. For some reason that creature was capable of talk, possibly some traveler of other world, but she definitively don’t care for that, after all she is one of the biggest magic users in the world of Urihwazji.
With regal authority she have decided make her pet of this diminutive mortal, no why she like him but how a manner for make her exile here a few more tolerable, centuries of loneliness has male her seriously miss have person to command and control.
-Well insignificant thing, I have decided that you will be my pet - She exclaims al the human in the floor with great decision.
Immediately after that for make her point more clear, she use her powers for invoke a small birdcage from thin air. This cage what was floating in middle of the air and before the human could say something flash of light take him from the floor and transport him in a blinking to the interior of his golden prison.
-Don’t tell me, little pet what this is so much better than be my lunch, from now you will owe me how your goddess, obey me how your queen and please without end.- she says with deep vanity.
The little creature dares to talk her for say his name but she ignores his pathetic words
– Doing something what you say- She respond with sarcasm, and before the human talk again she continues: - If you don’t understand I am now your owner, I have the power for call you in the way what I prefers and I say that your new name is Uzisha that mean “Little slave”.
The little human clearly understand and don’t argues with the massive bird, what immediately make notice to the sorcerer that she has don’t analyze his new pet. In a instant take the small cage in her hand and look with analytical eye to the small animal in the inside.
For some reason that thing have some type of second skin over his body what immediately make her order to the human some explanations. For the next hour she make hundreds of questions of what the majority of the answers don’ interest much to her but when she hears about something called masculinity she order him to sayy everething he knows.
The little human try of explain her in the better way home things works in his world, apparently in his world the species of animals are divided in the half for two opposite types of beings, one the female can create new life form her own flesh, like here in Urihwazji but for that was necessary the intervention of a second type of being what after a ritual called sex make possibly the generation of descendents.
Athessa at beginning was seriously skeptics of all that but to remember what the human say what that second skin only cloth, what make her have a small idea.
In a blink with her magic crack of her fingers the clothes of the human disappear for discover if truth in the words of this diminutive “male”. For her surprise what he describes with weird words like “penis” and “testicles” was completely exact.
For some reason in her cold mind com e some thoughts what she have never have in her life, with a big smile in farc face she says for herself.
-Apparently keep this little human how my pet will be better that I suspected.
This day has be so strange for you, the first you know what you are in a other dimension only populated for females for subsequently be captured for a crazy sorcerer what apparently will make you her pet for the rest of your natural life.
But talk with that witch only have make you felt more and more desperate but the fact that you now are naked make you see the situation even more dark and haplessly.
In your gloomy thought you don’t give much attention to your owner but after a long silence you hear a series of words what for reason put you in a state of panic.
-Apparently keep this little human how my pet will be better that I suspected. –says the bird in a sweet tone what is clear was saying for herself.
Without any delay you raise your eyes to her face at the same time that her was looking to you. For a brief moment both of you was looking the eye of each one, what you discover in her glance is a clear emotion of….